Monday, October 6, 2014

Delaying Hajj

‘Umar bin Al-Khattab (may Allah be pleased with him) once remarked: 
“I was about to send envoys to the towns (on the outskirts of the Muslim empire) to check on 
all those who have the means to make Hajj but do not perform it, in order to impose the Jizyah[1] upon them."[2]

The auspicious Hajj trip is one of the five pillars on Islam, a onetime obligation upon those have the ability to perform it. Every year millions of devout Muslims answer the call to Hajj following in the footsteps of the Prophet (peace be upon him) in answering the call of their father Abraham. 

Unfortunately, many people delay performing the Hajj until the latter part of their lives simply because of convenience. They wish to postpone the trip until they feel they are financially ‘stable’. Some people hold back out of fear of a new Islamic lifestyle they will be obligated to embrace when they return - one should never fear drawing closer to God. Indeed the Prophet (peace be upon him) said, 

“Hurry to perform Hajj (the obligatory one), as none of you knows what may happen to him”[3] and “Whoever wants to do Hajj, let him hasten to do so.”[4] 

There is of course a well-known scholarly difference of opinion as to whether Hajj is an obligation that must be executed promptly, or, can be delayed. According to scholars who hold the opinion that the obligation of the Hajj is one of promptness; the Hajj must be carried out as soon as all the preconditions are fulfilled and one cannot delay performing it for the next year. The one who delays the performance of Hajj, even though he has the means to perform it, and then dies, is sinful and has left himself open to the punishment and displeasure of Allah in the Hereafter. 

Others opine that the Hajj may be delayed because the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) choose to perform Hajj in the 10 AH - around four years after the obligation was revealed. This school has other supporting arguments for which there exist counter arguments. Without wanting to endorse one opinion over another, I would like to place the legal difference of opinion to one side and draw our attention to a few other points. Allah the Almighty encourages His servants to compete with each other in performing virtuous deeds. 

He says in one verse, 

“Race each other to forgiveness from your Lord and a Garden as wide as the heavens and the earth, 
prepared for the people who have taqwa.” 

And in another verse, 

“Race each other to forgiveness from your Lord and to a Garden, whose breadth is like that of heaven and earth combined,made ready for those who have faith in Allah and His Messengers. That is Allah’s favour which He gives to those He wills. Allah’s favour is indeed immense.” 

Why would one delay the prospect of performing a Hajj mabroor, the accepted Hajj, the reward of which is nothing less than the gardens of paradise? 

This is your chance to have all of your sins forgiven as the Prophet (peace be upon him) said: “Whoever performs Hajj to this house - Ka’bah - and does not commit any obscenity and wrongdoing, he, or she, will come out as the day he, or she, was born – pure and free from sins.”[5]

From another perspective the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) is reported to have said: “Hurry to perform Hajj, as none of you knows what may happen to him.” It is as if the Prophet is telling us to think about the matter in a rational way. If someone who has the ability to perform the Hajj delays it; do they not fear that death may catch them up and they then meet Allah with no Hajj to their account? 

The reality is that many do delay Hajj until it’s too late. As the years pass by some of them fall sick with debilitating conditions, others become financially stricken and so the great opportunity is lost. 

I would thus appeal to all Muslims who know that they can perform Hajj without great difficulty to do so before they lose this unique chance of attaining complete forgiveness for their sins and be granted paradise. 
[1] A tax imposed on non-Muslims living under Muslim rule. 
[2] Reported by al-Bayhaqi; Al-Haitami declared it Sahih. 
[3] Ahmad, Abu Dawud, Ibn Majah 
[4] Ahmad and Abu Dawud 
[5] Bukhari and Muslim 

Author: Shaikh Dr Haitham Al-Haddad 
The Chairman of Muslim Research and Development Foundation UK

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Psykologi Cinta

Anda mengetahui yang anda merindui seseorang
apabila jantung anda berdegup pantas ketika teringatkan dia.
Dan walaupun sekadar "Hai" daripada dia mencukupi sebagai penenang.

Anda mungkin menaruh hati kepadanya, 
cuma anda tidak menyedarinya ataupun anda tidak mahu menerimanya sebagai kenyataan.

Jangan jadi terlalu baik, saya akan merindui kamu.
Jangan terlalu mengambil berat, saya mungkin menyukai kamu.
Jangan jadi terlalu 'sweet', saya mungkin jatuh hati kepada kamu.
Amat sukar untuk saya menyayangi kamu jika kamu tidak mahu membalasnya.

Seseorang yang membuat kamu jatuh hati kepadanya 
sebenarnya menyayangi kamu lebih daripada kamu menyayangi dia.

Jika seseorang hadir dalam hidup kamu dan menjadi
sebahagian daripada kamu, tetapi atas sebab tertentu
dia terpaksa pergi, jangan terlalu sedih ... terimalah
kenyataan itu dan sekurang2nya dia pernah
membahagiakan kamu.

Masa akan menentukan segalanya, jika dia ditakdirkan
bersama anda, dia akan kembali.

Jangan melarikan diri dari 'cinta' apabila ia berada
di hadapan kamu, Jangan melarikan diri daripadanya
kerana suatu hari nanti, kamu pasti akan
teringatkannya kembali dan menyesali perbuatan kamu

Hargai orang yang menyayangi kamu, bukan mudah untuk
mencari orang yang menyayangi kita. yang paling
berharga ialah hati yang ikhlas.

Penyesalan terbesar dalam hidup ialah risiko yang kita
tidak ambil. Jika anda merasakan sesuatu itu akan
membuatkan anda bahagia, maka teruskan. Ingatlah
bahawa kita akan melalui semua ini hanya sekali,
mungkin tiada lagi peluang kedua.

Masa tidak menunggu kita. Jika anda rasakan anda telah
bertemu dengan orang yg sesuai, maka hargailah dia,
jangan biarkan dia berlalu begitu sahaja. Jangan
bertangguh kerana takut. Cubalah dahulu atau anda akan
menyesal kerana membiarkan ia berlalu begitu sahaja.
Tiada sesiapapun yang tahu apakah yang membuatkan anda
benar2 bahagia.

Ada 2 titis air mata mengalir di sebuah sungai. Satu
titis air mata tu menyapa air mata yg satu lagi, "Saya
air mata seorang gadis yang menyayangi seorang lelaki
tetapi telah kehilangannya. Siapa kamu pula?". Jawab
titis air mata kedua tu, "Saya air mata seorang lelaki
yang menyesal membiarkan seorang gadis yg menyayangi
saya berlalu begitu sahaja."

Tiada sesiapapun yang simpati kepada orang yang
sengaja membiarkan peluang pergi begitu sahaja tanpa
berusaha untuk mendapatkannyaatau mempertahankannya.
Kita selalunya tidak menghargai seseorang yang hampir
atau menyayangi kita sehingga dia pergi meninggalkan
kita; kemudian kita akan sedih dan menyesal

Terdapat banyak bebintang di langit tetapi hanya satu
sahaja yang begitu menyerlah sehingga dapat menarik
perhatian anda. Dari kalangan yang anda pilih untuk
abaikan ialah sebutir bintang yang sanggup menyinari
anda walau diamana sahaja anda berada.

Bahagian 1: orang yang bersama anda ketika ini mungkin
bukanlah orang yang benar2 anda sayangi.
Bahagian 2: terdapat orang yang tahu dia tidak dapat
bersama kamu ketika ini tetapi masih menyayangi kamu
sepenuh hatinya, fikirkanlah.

Lawaknya bila kita meletakkan standard untuk orang yg
bakal kita sayangi, tetapi jauh di sudut hati, kita
tahu yang orang yg kita sayangi itu terkecuali
daripada standard itu. (don't be too choosy!)

Kita amat kritikal terutamanya kepada orang yg kita
sukai atau sayangi kerana kita mahukan yang terbaik
untuk diri kita. Tetapi sebenarnya kesempurnaan dan
hubungan terbaik dapat dicapai dengan berusaha
bersama. Ia bukanlah terletak kepada satu individu

Cinta itu membuatkan anda gembira walaupun ia sering
melukakan. Cinta itu istimewa jika ia diberikan kepada
orang yg bertuah.

Jika anda bertemu seseorang yang benar2 menghargai
anda, maka dia berhak mendapat kasih anda.

Menyayangi/mencintai itu umpama bermain piano.
pertama, kita bermain ikut peraturannya. Kemudian,
lupakan peraturannya dan main ikut hati.

Kepercayaan terhadap pasangan adalah amat penting.
Untuk mempercayai seseorang yang anda sayang/cintai, anda
mestilah membuat dia mempercayai anda dahulu. Yakin
terhadap diri sendiri dan pasangan anda. Jangan buat
mereka ragu-ragu terhadap anda dan jangan ragu-ragu
terhadap mereka.

Apa kata seseorang memberitahu anda ini " saya tidak
percaya dengan courtship (mendapatkan perhatian bagi
memenangi seseorang). Ia cuma membuang masa
sahaja.Jika saya mencintai seseorang, maka saya akan
meluahkan isi hati saya kepadanya. Tetapi, ada pula
pengecualian bagi anda, jika anda mencintai saya,
sayaakan'court'(sentiasa cuba memenangi) anda
selamanya... "

Cinta itu memerlukan masa untuk disedari kehadirannya.
terdapat cinta pandang pertama, tetapi ia masih
memerlukan masa bagi pihak satu lagi menyedarinya.
Merinduinya apabila dia tiada di sisi, mengharapkan
berita daripadanya apabila berjauhan...

Adalah lebih baik untuk berani mencintai walaupun
akhirnya anda kecewa daripada tidak mahu mencintai
kerana takutkan risiko atau cabaran yang bakal

Jangan berputus asa apabila terdapat saingan dalam
percintaan. Adalah lebih baik untuk anda mencubanya
terlebih dahulu; kerana jika anda berjaya,
kemenangannya itu teramat manis. Tetapi, jika anda
tidak mahu/berani mencubanya,anda mungkin akan
kehilangan orang yang anda sayang/cintai selamanya.

Anda tidak pernah kalah/kecewa dalam
mencintai/menyayangi. Anda cuma kalah jika anda

Jangan takut untuk meluahkan isi hati anda kepada
orang yang anda sayang/cintai. Beritahu mereka dan
biar mereka buat keputusan di pihak mereka. Salah satu
perkara yang paling indah dalam hidup ialah
memberitahu kepada orang yang anda sayangi betapa
penting dan istimewanya mereka dalam hidup anda.
Dengan itu, anda akan merasa lebih yakin dan puas. Dan
anda akan rasa bangga terhadap diri anda kerana anda
telah menunaikan tanggungjawab anda terhadap perasaan
hati anda.

Jangan sesekali mengkhianati perasaan hati anda kerana
akibatnya hanya anda yang akan sengsara; bukan orang
lain. Salah satu cabaran paling sukar dalam hidup
ialah mencari orang yang tahu segala kelemahan dan
kekurangan diri anda, tetapi dia masih sangup
menyayangi anda dengan sepenuh hatinya.

Cinta itu adalah berasaskan tolak ansur dan
pengorbanan. jika dia tahu kelemahan dan kekurangan
anda dan masih sanggup bersama anda dan lebih
menyayangi anda, maka andalah orang yang paling
bertuah! Dia layakmendapat cinta anda.

Ruang kosong di antara celah-celah jari kita dicipta
untuk dipenuhi oleh jari-jari orang lain.

Bukalah pintu hati anda, benarkan orang yang anda
sayangi masuk, jangan ragui tujuan mereka kerana
keikhlasan itu dapat dirasai dalam hati.

Dalam percintaan, terdapat beberapa perkara yang perlu
disedari. Apabila anda bercinta... ... Ia bukan
'passport' untuk anda difahami; tetapi untuk anda
memahami. Ia bukan 'passport' untuk anda mengambil itu
dan ini; tetapi untuk anda diambil. Ia adalah untuk
anda mendengar;bukan supaya anda didengar. Ia adalah
untuk anda berkorban dan bertolak ansur; bukan untuk
anda meminta itu dan ini. Ia bukan untuk anda berkira2
atau mengukur; tetapi untuk anda mencintai

People Will Forget What U Said
People Will Forget What U Did
But People Will Never Forget How U Made Them Feel

Saturday, September 27, 2014

Carrots, Eggs, And Coffee Beans

A daughter complained to her father about her life and how things have been so hard for her. She did not know how she was going to make it and she wanted to give up. She was tired of fighting and struggling. It seemed that just as one problem was solved another arose. 

Her father, a chef, took her to the kitchen, filled three pots with water and placed the fire on high. Soon the three pots came to a boil. In one he placed carrots, in the other he placed eggs, and in the last he placed ground coffee beans. He let them sit and boil, without saying a word. 

The daughter sucked her teeth and impatiently wondered what he was trying to do. She had problems, and he was making this strange concoction. In half an hour he walked over to the oven and turned down the fire. He pulled the carrots out and placed them in the bowl. He pulled the eggs out and placed them in the bowl. Then he ladled the coffee out and placed it in a bowl. 

Turning to her he asked. “Darling what do you see,” 

Smartly, she replied. “Carrots, eggs, and coffee.” 

He brought her closer and asked her to feel the carrots. She did and noted that they were soft. He then asked her to take an egg and break it. After pulling off the shell, she observed the hard-boiled egg. Finally, he asked her to sip the coffee. Her face frowned from the strength of the coffee. 

Humbly, she asked. “What does it mean Father?” 

He explained. “Each of them faced the same adversity, 212 degrees of boiling water. However each reacted differently.” 

“The carrot went in strong, hard, and unrelenting. But after going through boiling water, it softened and became weak.” 

“The egg was fragile. A thin outer shell protected a liquid center. But after sitting through the boiling water, its inside became hardened.” 

“The coffee beans are unique however. After they were in the boiling water, it became stronger and richer.” 

"Which are you,” he asked his daughter. 

When adversity knocks on your door, how do you respond? 

Are you a carrot, an egg, or a coffee bean? 

Are you the carrot that seems hard, but with the smallest amount of pain, adversity, heat you wilt 
and become soft with no strength? 

Are you the egg, which starts off with a malleable heart? A fluid spirit. But after a death, a layoff, etc you became hardened and stiff. Your shell looks the same, but you are so bitter and tough with a stiff spirit and heart, internally. 

Or are you like the coffee bean? The bean does not get its peak flavor and robust until it reaches 212 degrees Fahrenheit.When the water gets the hottest, it just tastes better. When things are there worst, you get better. When people talk the most, your praises increase. When the hour is the darkest, trials are their greatest, your worship elevates to another level. 

How do you handle adversity? Are you a carrot, an egg, or a coffee bean?

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Jangan Mencari Terlalu Sempurna

Jika kamu memancing ikan....
Setelah ikan itu terlekat di mata kail, hendaklah kamu mengambil ikan itu....
Janganlah sesekali kamu LEPASKAN ia semula ke dalam air begitu saja....
Karena ia akan SAKIT oleh kerana bisanya ketajaman mata kailmu dan mungkin ia akan MENDERITA selagi ia masih hidup.

Begitulah juga .........
Setelah kamu memberi banyak PENGHARAPAN kepada seseorang....
Setelah ia mulai MENYAYANGIMU hendaklah kamu MENJAGA hatinya....
Janganlah sesekali kamu meninggalkannya begitu saja....
Kerana dia akan TERLUKA oleh kenangan bersamamu dan mungkin TIDAK dapat MELUPAKAN segalanya selagi dia mengingatimu....

Jika kamu menadah air biarlah berpada, jangan terlalu mengharap pada takungannya dan janganlah menganggap ia begitu teguh.... cukuplah sekadar keperluanmu....
Apabila sekali ia retak.... tentu sukar untuk kamu menambalnya semula....
Akhirnya ia dibuang....
Sedangkan jika kamu cuba memperbaikinya mungkin ia masih dapat dipergunakan lagi....

Begitu juga jika kamu memiliki seseorang, TERIMALAH seadanya....
Janganlah kamu terlalu mengaguminya dan janganlah kamu menganggapnya begitu istimewa....
Anggaplah dia manusia biasa. Apabila sekali dia melakukan KESILAPAN bukan mudah bagi kamu untuk menerimanya....
akhirnya kamu KECEWA dan meninggalkannya.
Sedangkan jika kamu MEMAAFKANNYA boleh jadi hubungan kamu akan TERUS hingga ke akhirnya....

Jika kamu telah memiliki sepinggan nasi...
yang kamu pasti baik untuk dirimu. Mengenyangkan. Berkhasiat. Mengapa kamu berlengah, cuba mencari makanan yang lain..
Terlalu ingin mengejar kelazatan. Kelak, nasi itu akan basi dan kamu tidak boleh memakannya..
Kamu akan menyesal.

Begitu juga jika kamu telah bertemu dengan seorang insan......
yang pasti membawa KEBAIKAN kepada dirimu. MENYAYANGIMU... MENGASIHIMU...
Mengapa kamu berlengah, cuba MEMBANDINGKANNYA dengan yang lain.
Terlalu mengejar kesempurnaan.
Kelak, kamu akan KEHILANGANNYA apabila dia menjadi milik orang lain
Kamu juga yang akan MENYESAL....

Thursday, September 11, 2014


Conversation between a Husband (H) and a Psychologist (P):

P : What do you do for a living Mr. Bandy?
H : I work as an Accountant in a Bank.

P : Your Wife ?
H : She doesn't work. She's a Housewife only.

P : Who makes breakfast for your family in the morning?
H : My Wife, because she doesn't work.

P : At what time does your wife wake up for making breakfast?
H : She wakes up at around 5 am because she cleans the house first before making breakfast.

P : How do your kids go to school?
H : My wife takes them to school, because she doesn't work.

P : After taking your kids to school, what does she do?
H : She goes to the market, then goes back home for cooking and laundry. You know, she doesn't work.

P : In the evening, after you go back home from office, what do you do?
H : Take rest, because i'm tired due to all day works.

P : What does your wife do then?
H : She prepares meals, serving our kids, preparing meals for me and cleaning the dishes, cleaning the house then taking kids to bed.

Whom do you think works more, from the story above???

The daily routines of your wives commence from early morning to late night. That is called 'DOESN'T WORK'??!!

Yes, Being Housewives do not need Certificate of Study, even High Position, but their ROLE/PART is very important!

Appreciate your wives. Because their sacrifices are uncountable. This should be a reminder and reflection for all of us to understand and appreciate each others roles.

All about a WOMAN ....

  • When she is quiet, millions of things are running in her mind.
  • When she stares at you, she is wondering why she loves you so much in spite of being taken for granted.
  • When she says I will stand by you, she will stand by you like a rock.

Never hurt her or take her wrong or for granted...

Friday, September 5, 2014

Sincere Repentance – A Sure Path to Forgiveness

We all make mistakes in our lives and we all commit sins.

We are all human and sometimes tend to lose the path for a while. What do we do when we realise we were wrong?

How do we ensure that our repentance is sincere, consistent and successful?

There are four main steps one must take to repent: 
1.        Stop the sin. 
2.        Regret deeply and truly for the sin you committed. 
3.        Return to Allah (glorified and exalted be He) for forgiveness. 
4.        Make a strong intention never to return to that same sin again.

There is also a fifth step:

If the sin involved infringing on the rights of other people, then one must return the infringed rights back to the individual to whom they belong.

However, many people find that their repentance begins strong, but then slowly they get weaker and fall back into committing the sin only a short while later. So, to ensure that we stay true to our repentance and keep our promises to Allah (glorified and exalted be He), here are some tips that may help us:

Believe that Allah (glorified and exalted be He) is Most Forgiving, Most Merciful

You hear many people say “there’s no point in stopping my sin because I’ve wronged so much I don’t deserve God’s forgiveness, He’ll never forgive me.” If you are one of those people then STOP RIGHT THERE!

How can you think that way, when Allah (glorified and exalted be He) says in the Holy Qur’an over and over again that He is All-Forgiving and Most Compassionate? How can you lose faith in Allah’s (glorified and exalted be He) mercy? He created you and He knows your weaknesses and your faults. Everyone in the world makes mistakes, what makes you the best, is if you turn to Allah (glorified and exalted be He) and beg for forgiveness.

Here are only a couple of the many examples where Allah (glorified and exalted be He) mentions in the Qur’an, His love for those who repent and promises to forgive with mercy and compassion.

“And seek forgiveness of Allah. Indeed Allah is Forgiving and Merciful.” [Qur’an: Chapter 73, Verse 20]

“And whoever does a wrong or wrongs himself but then seeks forgiveness will find Allah Forgiving and Merciful.” [Qur’an: Chapter 4, Verse 110]

We must never think that Allah (glorified and exalted be He) will not forgive us. Repent with sincerity and remember that Allah (glorified and exalted be He) loves His servants and Allah (glorified and exalted be He) will accept your repentance.

Pinpoint the Source of Your Sin

There are many types of sins. No matter how big or small a sin is, once we decide to give it up and want to successfully repent to Allah (glorified and exalted be He), it is of utmost importance for us to locate the main source of this sin and keep away from it to the best of our ability. The source may be a friend, a certain place that you go to sitting, at your computer alone or watching tv alone. If the sin is related to the computer or the TV or other such appliances, we should not eliminate them completely from our lives. Instead we should try to find a way that helps us use these resources for good rather than evil. It is always good to try and have people around you when using these resources so that you feel stronger and surround yourself with people who remind you to stay on the right path, for it is always easy to stray when alone and vulnerable.

If you find that the source of the sin is a friend, then you should cut ties with this friend. It will not always be an easy task. However if it must be done, then do it for the sake of Allah (glorified and exalted be He) and He shall reward you immensely for it In sha Allah.

If the sin is more like missing prayers or not fasting in Ramadan, we may try to pinpoint the reason we commit the sin. It may be, that your mind is occupied with other things which are distracting you from the fundamental worship of Allah (glorified and exalted be He). In this case we should try to eliminate these distractions from our lives or try to organise our time to sustain balanced lives which include our worship in our daily lives.

Rally Your Support Team

The people around you have a huge impact on the way you behave. At a time when you want to repent to Allah (glorified and exalted be He) and you sincerely feel bad about the sins that you have committed, you don’t want to be alone. You may find that your family can be a HUGE support for you at times like this. They can remind you of what you are trying to do. They will listen to you and support you through all your struggles to give up your sin.

Friends are also really important. I cannot stress enough how important it is to choose your friends wisely. Peer pressure IS real. Even if you think that you are strong and you will not fall again, your friends can pressure you into returning to what you used to do.

Your friends should be those who support you in whatever you do and better yet, they join you and work with you towards the goal of becoming a better person. They encourage you to attend lectures and workshops, and join you in volunteering for good causes.

"The believing men and believing women are allies of one another. They enjoin what is right and forbid what is wrong and establish prayer and give zakah and obey Allah and His Messenger." [Qur'an: Chapter 9, Verse 71]

Most importantly, at times when you’re feeling weak and fear that you may go back to sinning, your friends should be there to help you get back up, steadfast and strong.

Allah’s Messenger (peace and blessings of Allāh be upon him) said, “The example of a good companion (who sits with you) in comparison with a bad one, is like that of the musk seller and the blacksmith’s bellows (or furnace); from the first you would either buy musk or enjoy its good smell while the bellows would either burn your clothes or your house, or you get a bad nasty smell thereof.” [Bukhari]

You could find good company by becoming a regular at your local mosque and socialising with the people you meet there. You can also attend public lectures to find like-minded friends. You are guaranteed to find practicing Muslims who are willing to be part of your support system. Even in your own home, be open with your family – mother, father, siblings or spouse – about the changes you want to make in your life and ask for their help!

Stay Connected

The last and final point stresses on how important it is for you to stay connected with Islam and the Muslim Ummah. It is very uplifting for the soul when you are surrounded by Muslims seeking knowledge together and worshipping together. Make an effort to visit the mosque regularly and attend Islamic lectures and workshops. Keeping yourself busy with useful Islamic events and surrounded with the Islamic community takes your mind off the worldly things, which may trigger your urge to commit the sin once more.

Staying connected also helps your connection to Allah (glorified and exalted be He). Reading the Qur’an regularly and performing your prayers on time, including the sunnah prayers, keeps the connection lines between yourself and Allah (glorified and exalted be He) strong.

Once you feel that Islam encompasses all parts of your life and that you are truly close to Allah (glorified and exalted be He), it will be hard for syaitan to drag you back to your old sins. However, always remember to continuously keep asking Allah (glorified and exalted be He) for guidance and protection. Keep asking for His forgiveness as He is the Most Forgiving, Most Merciful.

No matter what sins you have committed, there is always a way to repent and start afresh. Always have faith in Allah (glorified and exalted be He), fear His wrath and love Him for His mercy. Surround yourself with as much support and motivation as you possibly can and keep your intentions clear. May Allah (glorified and exalted be He) support us all on our journey through the right path AMEEN!

Source: ProductiveMuslim.Com 

Friday, August 29, 2014

Lelaki Idaman

Pertama kali kita bersua, hati yang masih jahil berbisik,
Mengutuskan kau bukan pilihanku, Kau terlalu membosankan,
Aku memandangmu, dan pandanganku kesasar,
Kulihatmu seorang lelaki muda yang warak',
Kau baik namun kau pasti membosankan.

Kedua kali kita dipertemukan, hati yang mulai mengenal cahaya hidayah ketika itu,
Mulai tertarik pada cara kau membawa diri, menjunjung agamamu di atas kepala walau di negara asing,
Aku memandangmu, ada sesuatu di dalam dirimu yang aku kekurangan,
Kulihatmu seorang lelaki muda yang warak',
Kau pasti seorang yang baik, lebih baik dari ramai orang.

Kali ketiga kita dipertemukan, Disatu majlis ilmu hatiku ketika itu semakin mengenal Rabb.
Aku kagum bila diperlihatkan banyaknya ilmu agama yang kau ketahui, semangatmu yang bekobar,
Hatiku tersentuh, tak ramai lelaki muda sepertimu,
Kulihatmu kini bukan sekadar seorang yang warak', kau seorang lelaki idaman,
Sungguh kau pasti yang terbaik diantara yang terbaik,

Dalam diam malam aku berdoa, semoga kita dipertemukan lagi,
Semoga Allah menjodohkan kita, Kerana aku mungkin takkan ketemu lelaki sebaikmu lagi,
Dan mungkin tak ramai yang mengerti, erti mencintai kerana Allah,
Aku mencari yang benar mengerti, dan yang ingin menuju syurgawi,
Kerana kau seorang lelaki yang warak', ciri itu yang aku cari sebagai seorang pendamping hidup.

Thursday, August 21, 2014

'If you feel no shame, then do as you wish'

Abu Mas'ud 'Uqbah bin 'Amr al-Ansari al-Badri, radiyallahu 'anhu, reported that the Messenger of Allah, sallallahu 'alayhi wasallam, said: "Among the things that people have found from the words of the previous prophets was: 'If you feel no shame, then do as you wish." [Al-Bukhari] 

Haya' can be translated as: modesty, shame, shyness or bashfulness, as pointed by Ustaz Jamaludin Zarabozo.

The word haya' is derived from the word "al-hayah", which means life, as if the person who has no haya' (modesty) is like a dead person. 

Islam encourages and treasures al-haya' or modesty. It is one of the most important characteristics that each and every Muslim should acquire and posses. 

Possible interpretations of the text 

Due to the form of the text, it may be interpreted in many possible meaningful ways. Imam Ibnu Rajab pointed out two interpretations of the text according to early scholars: 

First interpretation: 
If you have no modesty, then do whatever you wish and Allah will punish you for what you do. This mode of expression is well known in the Arabic language, and it is used for threatening someone. This mode is used by the Qur'an in Surah Fussilat: ayat 40. 

Second interpretation: 
If you are contemplating an act and it is an act such that there is no reason to be ashamed of doing it before Allah or the people, then you may do that act. Modesty is used as a criterion over whether or not to do a certain act. The command here is in the form of displaying permission. 

However, there is a valid third interpretation given by Ibnu al-Qayyam who is a scholar from the eighth Hijrah century. He is in the view that the command is not what is meant by this statement. Instead, it is a statement of fact. The meaning is: If a person does not have any modesty, then there is nothing to prevent him/her from doing anything. 

Haya' is one of the most important factors that keeps a person from committing a sinful act. If a person has no haya', he/she will do almost anything. 


There are two aspects of haya' : Natural haya' and acquired haya'. The later is attained as a result of knowing and realizing the Glory of Allah and His attributes. There are many manifestations of haya' as mentioned by Ustaz Jamaludin Zarabozo in his commentaries on the Forty Hadith: 
  • Having haya' towards Allah - a Muslim should feel ashamed to have Allah see him doing - or hear him saying - something that displeases Allah, especially when that Muslim is alone and out of the view of humankind. 
  • Haya' towards the angels - as they are noble and dignified creatures who witness the acts performed by humans. 
  • Haya' towards other humans - an essential characteristic that keeps people from harming one another and from performing indecent acts.
  • Haya' towards the person him/herself - a person should be ashamed of him/herself when he/she performs acts that are shameful.
  • If he/she notices that his/her haya'  level is low he/she should improve it by remembrance of Allah, getting closer to Him, and fearing Him. 

Haya' can sometimes be abused as a justification for not doing something or giving up an obligatory act. For example, being silent or passive in the presence of falsehood or oppression for no reason except claiming haya'. Or using haya' as an excuse for not encouraging good or discouraging evil. Unless, for both of the above mentioned cases, there is another good reason for not doing these acts such as considering the most likely expected harmful consequences. 

Another example of abusing haya' is to use it as an excuse for not seeking knowledge. In many Muslim cultures this matter is confused and misunderstood where there is a proverb or cliché that says: "There is no modesty in asking questions in religious matters". But this cliché is only practiced in a few certain sensitive issues. However when it comes to seeking knowledge in a classroom, the situation is different. Most Muslims become shy and use modesty as an excuse. Parents at home, teachers at school, even lecturers at Universities add to the problem where they may treat asking questions as a sign of not being modest. This attitude needs to be changed to the right, positive one. 

Another example is using haya' as an excuse for not doing what is correct and allowed. You know that something should be done and it is good and allowed or is even a recommended or obligatory act. However, you simply give up and do not do it because of a claimed haya'. Not giving sadaqah (charity) to a needy in front of others, not taking away a harmful material from the street or the path of the Muslims, or not helping or giving a hand to a disabled or an elderly person to cross the street are some good examples of this phenomenon. 


Haya' or modesty is a great Islamic concept that leads to goodness and keeps a Muslim away from doing a bad or indecent act when its level is maximized. Treating bad actions, as shown by revelation, as evil acts and feeling ashamed of Allah to do it and ashamed of the community, are ways of acquiring haya'. Iman and haya' are linked. When there is iman, there is haya', and vice versa. All of us are borne with natural haya'. However it is subject to be spoiled due to environment and dominating ideologies. Technology misuse has its negative and destructive impact on haya'. Muslims need to be aware of such challenges and exert their effort to overcome them. Haya' cannot be used as an excuse for not doing good deeds and acts. 


Saturday, August 16, 2014

Adakah Si Kaya Ini Gila Atau Kita Yang Mabuk?

Are you mad? Itu yang dikatakan oleh akauntan jutawan Brian Burnie, apabila majikannya menyatakan hasrat untuk menderma hotel mewahnya bernilai sekitar GBP 20 juta.

Seorang jutawan Britain yang mendermakan hotel mewahnya, hotel yang asalnya sebuah rumah besar lama berusia beratus tahun, diubahsuai dengan kos sebanyak GBP 16 juta. Pada asalnya dia ingin menggunakan seluruh keuntungan dari hotel mewah itu untuk tujuan kebajikan, namun ditukar ideanya. Kini dengan rasminya hotel mewah itu akan dijual dan seluruh hasilnya akan didermakan kepada persatuan kanser. Kos jualannya sudah tentu melebihi GBP 20 juta (RM 110  juta).

Berikut tiga kata-kata beliau yang menarik hati saya :

"While owning property and making money is important, it is not as important as people."

"The biggest thing with most people is money, but with me it is not. I want to give it up and do something more for others."

"We can all do something by leaving money to charity when we die, but why don't we do something while we are still living?''

Apa yang disebut pertama tadi bertepatan dengan tanggungjawab sosial dalam Islam. Malah di dalam Islam pembangunan jatidiri individu rakyat sememangnya jauh lebih penting dari pembangunan material seperti bangunan pencakar langit dan lainnya.

Yang kedua pula bertepatan dengan ajaran Islam agar tidak bersikap pentingkan diri dan sentiasa memikirkan manfaat yang diperolehi untuk dikongsi dengan orang ramai, dan yang ketiga pula bertepatan dengan sabdaan Nabi :-

Ertinya : "Dan janganlah kamu bertangguh-tangguh (dalam bersedeqah) sehingga sampainya (nyawamu) di kerongkong (hampir mati)" (Riwayat Al-Bukhari, no 1353)

Jutawan Dan Hartawan Muslim

Bagi jutawan Muslim, Islam menganjurkan pendekatan yang sedikit berbeza, banyak pula yang sama. Yang paling berbeza adalah keperluan jutawan Muslim untuk menyembunyikan sumbangan dan sedeqahnya. Allah swt berfirman :

Ertinya : "Dan sekiranya kamu menyembunyikannya (sedeqahmu) dan memberikannya kepada faqir miskin, demikian adalah LEBIH baik bagimu"

Nabi s.a.w bersabda ertinya : "Sedeqah yang dilakukan secara sembunyi memadamkan kemurkaan Allah swt."

Memang benar, jutawan Muslim yang bersifat dermawan memang ramai, banyak juga sumbangan yang telah dihulurkan kepada pelbagai pihak sama ada secara senyap atau terbuka. Tan Sri Mokhtar Al-Bukhari adalah satu ikon utama yang pasti terlintas di minda kita apabila sahaja membuka cerita sebegini. Saya secara peribadi juga mengenali beberapa individu dermawan seperti Dato Hj Rameli Musa, Pengasas Ingress Corporation Berhad, dan ramai lagi.

Namun demikian, jumlah golongan ini masih belum cukup besar,  masih ramai lagi hartawan dan jutawan Muslim yang masih belum dan terlalu berkira-kira untuk menyumbang, kita sewajarnya lebih laju dari hartawan bukan Islam yang saya sebutkan di atas.

Kita sewajarnya lebih sedar bahawa menyumbang sama ada melalui zakat yang wajib atau sedeqah yang sunat akan menambah berkat dan rezeki dari Allah swt. Menambah rezeki yang bersifat spiritual. Sabda Nabi s.a.w :-

Ertinya : "Tiadalah harta itu berkurang disebabkan oleh sedeqah" ( riwayat Muslim)

Kini, sudah ramai yang merasakan kesan sumbangan yang dikeluarkan adalah pertambahan, bukan kurang. Malah ia turut dirasa oleh hartawan bukan Islam seperti Bill Gates, beliau pernah menyebutkan hal ini dalam satu majalah antarabangsa satu ketika dahulu (namun saya gagal mencari keratannya).

Para Ribuan, Jangan Beralasan

Jika mereka sudah merasakan nikmah kebahagiaan hasil pemberian itu, bilakah kita pula?. Jangan ditunggu kita bergelar jutawan atau billionaire untuk bertindak, mulakan dari sekarang secara kecil-kecilan sesuai dengan kemampuan kita. Walau adakalanya kita tidak layak untuk membayar zakat wajib harta atau pendapatan kerana beban kewangan yang lebih besar dari pendapatan, namun jangan sekali menjadikannya sebagai alasan untuk tidak menderma dan menyumbang. Moga dengan sumbangan kecil dan ikhlas itu, mampu menjadi pembersih harta kita dan penyuburnya.

Juga ingatlah, derma dari seorang yang sikit harta lebih besar ganjarannya dari derma individu yang besar hartanya. Sebuah hadis menyebut :-

Ertinya ; "Sedeqah yang paling utama adalah menggembirakan fakir dan dikelaurkan dala keadaan sedikit harta" ( Riwayat Ahmad 5/178 ; Tafsir Ibn Kathir, 1/701)

Ikhlaskan niat dan jangan pula ‘kotor mulut' mencela apabila sedeqah yang diberi kelihatan tidak menambah keuntungan duniawi dalam jangka masa yang segera. Saya bimbang, ada yang menderma dengan niat yang satu, iaitu untuk mengharapkan untung berganda setelah dimotivasikan oleh para ustaz bahawa bersedeqah boleh menambah keuntungan, lalu apabila tiada pertambahan lalu dicelanya hadis, dicelanya ustaz, disesalinya sedeqah yang pernah di lakukan dahulu sebagai silap dan salah. Ingatlah firman Allah swt :-

Ertinya : "Orang-orang yang menafkahkan hartanya di jalan Allah, kemudian mereka tidak mengiringi apa yang dinafkahkannya itu dengan menyebut-nyebut pemberiannya dan dengan tidak menyakiti (perasaan si penerima), mereka memperoleh pahala di sisi Tuhan mereka. Tidak ada kekhawatiran terhadap mereka dan tidak (pula) mereka bersedih hati " (Al-Baqarah : 262)

Lihat dan fahamilah dalam-dalam erti yang tersurat pada ayat ini, setiap pemberian sedeqah mestilah diriingi oleh rasa puas, gembira, tiada khuatir, tiada sedih dan sesal.

Bukankah pakar-pakar motivasi sedunia malah doktor menyatakan, antara faktor yang boleh memberikan kesihatan tubuh, awet muda dan fikiran terfokus adalah KURANG STRESS dan hati yang gembira. Bergembiralah wahai penderma, gembira memberi dan menyumbang sama ada ilmu, harta, masa dan tenaga dengan rela dan redha. Nesacaya kita akan lebih tenang dan tersenyum, prestasi boleh meningkat, idea boleh bercambah.

Bukankah Allah swt yang menggerakkan hati-hati dan minda manusia lain sama ada untuk memberi kita kontrak dan tender, mengambil kita bekerja, menaikkan pangkat, melantik kita untuk jawatan itu dan ini, memberi kepercayaan utnuk tugasan baru yang lumayan dan lain-lain. Lalu yakinilah dan bersangka baiklah dengan Allah swt, nescaya Allah akan menunaikan sangkaan baik kita.


Terlalu ramai orang yang sentiasa sibuk memikir cara untuk MENDAPATKAN wang dan harta untuk dirinya, ye, MENCARI WANG, MENAMBAH WANG, MENGUMPUL WANG. Siang, malam pagi dan petang berhempas pulas minda dan tenaga mencari jalan. Sehingga ingin sahaja dilanggar semua jalan yang berpotensi, walau ia haram atau syubhat. Yang penting dalam mindanya, adalah poketnya semakin tebal. Sedangkan seluruh penghumpulan itu sekadar di dunia yang pendek ini.

Malangnya, sangat kurang yang berhempas pulas memikirkan bagaimana untuk MENYUMBANG WANG, MEMBERI WANG, SEDEQAH WANG. Bukankah memberi ini demi kehiduapan selepas kematian yang terlalu amat panjang masanya.  Mulakan berfikir untuknya, sebenarnya untuk kita juga.

Brian Burnie, jika seorang jutawan bukan Islam warga Britain boleh berkata dan bertindak berdasarkan kata-katanya ini:

"We live in a "me, me, me" society and it has always been important to me to think of others"

Lalu apa lagi alasan kita, bersedeqahlah sebelum sampai nyawa di kerongkong... Adakah si kaya ini gila kerana mendermakan wang yang begitu banyak? Atau kita yang mabuk dengan pencarian wang secara petingkan diri tanpa sebarang pemberian?

Artikel asal oleh: Dr. Zaharuddin Abd Rahman (

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Fasting Six Days of Shawwal after Ramadan: 'Like Fasting the Entire Year'

1. Based on this, the majority of the fuqaha', including the Hanafi, Shafi`i, and Hanbali school, have held that it is recommended to fast six days of the month of Shawwal 

2. It is permitted to fast these six days separately throughout the month, or consecutively, after Eid al-Fitr. 

3. It is prohibitively disliked (makruh tahriman) and sinful to fast on 'Eid day (1st Syawal) itself. 

4. The Shafi`is and Hanbalis state that it is superior to make the six fasts consecutive. 

Khatib al-Shirbini explains the reasoning as being, “In order to hasten to do the good, and because of the problems inevitable in delaying,” such as becoming lazy and not actually fulfilling this sunna in the end, though he points out that the sunna is fulfilled by both consecutive and non-consecutive fasting of six days in Shawwal. 

The later Hanafi scholars differed as to which is better, fasting the six days consecutively or non-consecutively, though neither is disliked and both fulfill the sunna. However, it would be agreed that those who fear not fulfilling the recommendation due to laziness, forgetfulness or other excuses, should hasten to fast the six days consecutively immediately after Eid al-Fitr. 

5. The reward is akin to having fasted obligatory fasts the entire year days, according to Buhuti, Shirbini, and others. 

Abu Hurayra (Allah be pleased with him) said that the Prophet (Allah bless him & give him peace) said, 

“The strong believer is better and more beloved to Allah than the weak believer, though there is good in both. Be avid for that which benefits you. Rely on Allah and do not deem yourself incapable…” [Muslim 4816, Ibn Majah 76, Ahmad 8436] 

Imam Nawawi (Allah have mercy on him) explained that the ‘strength’ in this hadith refers to, “One’s determination and ability in matters of the next life.” 

And Allah alone gives success. 


Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Ways to Stay Proactive for Single Muslimahs

“Our Lord, perfect for us our light and forgive us. Indeed, You are over all things competent.” [Qur'an: Chapter 66, Verse 8]

We all wish to marry and settle down with a comforting partner in our lives. Especially women. They begin to hope and dream of a husband usually during their teens. The budding desire to have half our deen completed as soon as possible is quite strong in women. Women want to have a spouse who practically makes her life incredible with each passing moon, and kids who make her home a heaven. Truly, which woman wouldn’t want a picture perfect family in her life?

Every female wants this dream. And with this desire, comes a pressure for many Muslim females i.e., getting married at a youthful age. That’s right. While men do not deal with this pressure, many women do. The younger, the better.

On the other hand this tradition often leads towards too many low self-esteem points for single sisters out there who haven’t found their other half yet and feel like they are either forever alone or forever destined to be single.

Soon, they begin to develop serious depression as they watch their friends and even younger peers get married. Many are even left feeling like their youth is wasted if they are not married while they are young.

This article is penned down as a gift and advice from one single sister for her other single single sisters out there who are feeling down and need help to see the light of iman. I hope that you can gain wisdom from this and beat the obstacles to being productive, as Islam inspires us to do.

Identify the Negative Thoughts That’s Bringing You Down

The first and most foremost step is to realise the basic things that disturb you regarding your single marital status. Then using Hikmah, overcome that notion with a highly productive and halal thing in life to turn your sad days into blissful ones.

I have listed below major thoughts that come to mind and lure us towards negativity. Hunt them down, sisters – with antidotes! – before they hunt you down. 

1.        What good I am if am not married in youthful age? 
2.        Oh! What would become of me if I cross 25! I’ll get even older. 
3.        How will I enjoy my life if I am not married soon? 
4.        Oh no! What would my relatives say! She finished her studies but she’s still not married?! 
5.        Why has Allah (glorified and exalted be He) put me through this? 
6.        I have to hunt a husband soon or I’ll be too old to get married one day. 
7.        Am I not pretty? 
8.        I am a failure… 
9.        Maybe I should give up the hijab!
10.      And so on…

If none of these thoughts have ever crossed your mind, Masha Allah and Subhan Allah, congratulations on your firm belief in Allah (glorified and exalted be He) and His works.

But if any of these thoughts has crossed your mind, be alert sister! You are suffering from a state which paralyses your soul and halts productivity in beautiful Muslimahs – Muslimahs who probably can make a good difference in this world or someone’s life. Remember, shaytan’s greatest enemy is the soul that is most pleasing and dutiful to Allah (glorified and exalted be He), so he tries to dishearten you and spoil your life.

This is where you need to be wise and patient. For Allah (glorified and exalted be He) orders in Qur’an, “Say: “Nothing will happen to us except what Allah has decreed for us; He is our Protector”. And upon Allah let the believers rely.” [Qur’an Chapter 9: Verse 51].

6 Antidotes to Negative Thoughts & Sadness 

1.        Dedicate your youth to Allah (glorified and exalted be He) if a husband hasn’t come yet.

The reasons for not being able to get married yet can vary, but just because marriage hasn’t come to you yet, it does not mean that your youth – or your whole life – is wasted, sister. If you regret losing time in waiting for a spouse, then turn the tables by dedicating your youthful single days to Allah’s cause and obedience.

This way you won’t feel sad nor regret losing beautiful days. In fact, if Allah (glorified and exalted be He) is with you every day, what have you lost? After all, among the seven who would be provided shade under His shade on the day is the youth who grew up worshipping Allah (glorified and exalted be He). [Al-Bukhari & Muslim] 

2.        Start a noble project

You’re only young once. Would you really let it slip away while you mourn over being single, or would you rather do something productive for the sake of Allah (glorified and exalted be He)? Once again, turn the tables over and start an amazing project. Let this project be one that is beneficial for both your present time in the dunya and the akhirah.

Maybe you could start on a noble project that you can pass on to your children and further generations as legacy. One idea is to produce a copy of handwritten Qur’an using beautiful calligraphy. I’m sure you can think of many more ideas! 

3.        Don’t pay heed to what others say. Allah (glorified and exalted be He) is your Protector and Caretaker.

I know that family pressures tend to bubble up and make your life unhappy. In the words of someone I interviewed for this article, “It’s not easy with these destructive relatives; but I focus on what I have, not on what I do not have, and definitely not on others’ opinions about me. But you know how it is – their words do get to you in a painful way and you can’t help not getting affected by it. So allow yourself to be upset but pick yourself up and simply move on. That’s how I do it.”

Remember that pain is just a state of mind. You can think your way out of everything, even pain. Try not to involve yourself in arguments, avoid the company of negative people, be wise and exit an uncomfortable situation politely. And if you feel burdened, pray, “Our Lord! Lay not upon us such a burden as You did lay upon those before us.” [Qur’an: Chapter 2, Verse 286] 

4.        Know you’re special and were born with an aim in this world.

We are special, sisters! The special creation of Allah (glorified and exalted be He) with an aim in this world. There’s nothing wrong with your face or mind or hijab or your nose to be honest. Our life, though filled with not-so-pleasant moments sometimes, is a gift from Allah (glorified and exalted be He). We’ll always be tested. There will be tears but there will also be laughter and love. You have the right to live your life however you want it to. Marriage isn’t something you can force. Trust in Allah’s plan for you and be strong. 

5.        Take the education route.

Take advantage of the time and freedom you have and invest in education. It could be a language course or a degree. Don’t miss out on the time. Make Hazrat Aisha (may Allāh be pleased with her) your role model and pursue education with noble passion and zeal. She is considered one of the great female scholars in Islam. This is your opportunity to educate yourself in the best manner for the sake of becoming a good educated mother and a wife in the future, In sha Allah. 

6.        Know that there has to be a reason why Allah (glorified and exalted be He) has chosen this for you.

To believe in Allah (glorified and exalted be He) requires total faith in His Actions and what he wills for you. Try to sit alone for a few minutes and talk to your soul. Then reason with your heart and inform your nafs that there is a reason why Allah (glorified and exalted be He) has chosen this situation for you.

Maybe He desires that you fulfill a very important task in life for His sake, so He decrees that you stay single till you have achieved that aim? Or maybe He wants to reward you with something great and this ordeal is a test for you. So make istighfar as much as you can, and make dua to your Lord to grant you victory and peace and fill your heart with serenity and love. Then make lots of dua for your future spouse’s khair.

And always say, “O My Lord, Whenever you wish for me to be married, let it be for good and happiness”.

Some Final Words of Comfort

If you wish to recite dua from Qur’an, take refuge in this verse: “And those who say,”Our Lord, grant us from among our wives and offspring comfort to our eyes and make us an example for the righteous.” [Qur’an: Chapter 25, Verse 74]

If you fill your heart with love for Allah (glorified and exalted be He) and His Rasool (peace and blessings of Allāh be upon him), I can guarantee that all these hurdles and troubling thoughts concerning marriage will perish and you will see yourself as a productive Muslimah who is making a difference in the world of Allah (glorified and exalted be He).

May Allah (glorified and exalted be He) be your Light, my Light, our Light. Ameen.

Author: Pervisha Khan | Productive Muslim

Friday, July 18, 2014

The Last Ten Days of Ramadhan

It’s hard to believe that Ramadan is heading down the final homestretch. The last few days of Ramadan are upon us, as Muslims from all over the world step up their efforts to make the most of every remaining moment. The last ten nights of Ramadan are are the most blessed and we should increase our worship and devotion as they hold the glittering jewel of Lailatul-Qadr, or the Night of Power, which Allah describes it in the Quran as being better than a thousand months. 

Allah’s Messenger used to exert himself in devotion during the last ten nights to a greater extent than at any other time. (Muslim). 

Aisha r.a reported: With the start of the last ten days of Ramadan, the Prophet s.a.w. used to tighten his waist belt (i.e. work harder) and used to pray the whole night, & used to keep his family awake for the prayers. (Bukhari) 

So there is still time for us to redeem ourselves in the last 10 blessed days of Ramadan. We must NOT miss this opportunity otherwise we will regret it forever. We should strive to seek out night of power which is hidden in one of the last 10 nights of Ramadan, particularly in the odd numbered nights. So this is our chance to get closer to Allah & to gain his mercy and forgiveness of ALL of our past and present sins! Therefore we should put everything into the last 10 nights & know that we will get so much more in return. But if we waste these nights then we will regret it FOREVER! 

How can we maximize these blessed nights? 

1. Sitting I’tikaf in the last 10 days 
I`tikaf is the seclusion and staying in the Masjid with the intention of becoming closer to Allah by doing constant remembrance, glorification and worship of Allah. I’tikaf is a great Sunnah. 

Aishah r.a reported that the Prophet s.a.w.: “Used to perform i’tikaf in the last ten days of Ramadan until Allah the Mighty & Majestic, took him.” (Bukhari & Muslim) 

Women can also sit I’tikaf 
Women can also sit I’tikaf at the Masjid with husbands permission. There is a difference of opinion whether she can sit I’tikaf at home. The Hanafi mazhab states a woman can sit I’tikaf at a designated place in her home. 

2. Reciting Qur’an abundantly 
What better time to recite the Qur’an than in ones of the very nights it was revealed – The Night of Power. Therefore we should increase our recitation even more during the last ten days & nights. The reward for reciting each letter of the Qur’an during Ramadan is 700 hasanah or more. Subhanallah! 

We should try & aim to complete the Qur’an at least once if not more by the end of the last 10 days of Ramadan. Along with recitation we should also read & learn the meanings of the Qur’an. We should contemplate & ponder over the verses & implement what we read & learn into our daily lives. 

3. Nawafil (Voluntary) prayers 
What better way of drawing closer to Allah during the last 10 days of Ramadan than by praying the voluntary prayers: 

Allah says in Hadith Qudsi: "….And My slave keeps on coming closer to Me through performing Nawafil (voluntary deeds) until I love him," [Bukhari] 

The Most Rewarding Nawafil Prayer of all is Tahajjud. Hadith of Abu Hurayrah r.a that the Prophet s.a.w. said, “If you get up for night prayer, start with two short Rakaats.” [Muslim, Ahmad, Abu Dawud] 

When we make Du'a we should imagine Allah is watching us and so we should call on him, crying to him. If we can’t cry due to the hardness of our hearts then we should at least act & make the face like we are crying. We should ask of Allah sincerely with remorse & intention not to repeat such sins again for forgiveness of our past & present sins. 

Ibn Mas`ud (Allah be pleased with him) was asked, “I cannot pray at night.” He said, ”Your sins have prevented you.” 

4. Making Excessive Dua 
Almighty Allah says in the Qur’an: “When my servants ask you concerning me, (tell them) I am indeed close (to them). I listen to the prayer of every suppliant when he calls on me.” [2:186] 

Many of us rush our Dua’s & quite often our hearts are not present whilst we are making dua to Allah. That is why we lose out on much of the benefits & blessings of Du'a. Therefore we should not let our minds wonder whilst in Dua & we should concentrate more, making sure our hearts are present whilst asking of Allah. Whilst we are in dua we should imagine Almighty Allah in front of us & so we should humble ourselves in front of him in a state of meekness & humility. 

It may also help if we made a list of what we want to ask Allah during our dua’s. We can then refer to this list as a reminder so that we can cover everything we need to ask him, which may help in making our Dua’s longer & more sincere. This is because we will not always remember everything we want to ask Allah unless we note it down & refer back to it when we need to. 

Aisha (RA) said: I asked the Prophet s.a.w. : "O Messenger of Allah, if I know what night is the night of Qadr, what should I say during it?" He said, Say:  ”Allahumma innaka ‘afuwwun tuhibbul ‘afwa fa’fu ‘annee" (O Allah, You are pardoning & You love to pardon, so pardon me.) (Ahmad, Ibn Majah, & Tirmidhi). 

5. Repentance of past & present sins 
We should cry & beg of Allah to give us his mercy & forgiveness especially in the last 10 blessed nights of Ramadan. If we leave Ramadan without gaining the mercy of Allah then surely we are of the most unfortunate and amongst the biggest losers in this world and the next. 

Stand in prayer to gain forgiveness for all sins 
Abu Hurairah r.a narrated that the Prophet s.a.w. said: “Whoever stands (in prayer) in Laylatul Qadr while nourishing his faith with self-evaluation, expecting reward from Allah, will have all of his previous sins forgiven.” (Bukhari and Muslim). 

Best opportunity for forgiveness of past & present sins: 
This is our best opportunity to gain forgiveness of our past ans present sins. Forget the past now, learn from it & take lessons from it. What matters is NOW. So ask of Allah every night especially in the odd numbered nights for mercy & forgiveness. 

6. Seeking out Laylatul Qadr (Night of Power) 
"By the manifest Book (the Quran) that makes thing clear. We sent it (this Quraan) down on a Blessed Night (i.e. the Night of Qadr) in the month of Ramadaan.." (The Smoke 44:2-5) 

So valuable is the Night of Qadr (Power) that the Quran devotes a special surah to it: “Lailatul Qadr is better than a thousand months” [97:3] 

This one night surpasses the value of 30,000 nights. There is NO doubt that if we pray on all of the last ten nights of Ramadan then we will catch this auspicious night & gain the rewards of over 83 YEARS OF WORSHIP! Subhaanallah! Most do not live up to such an age! 

Forgiveness of past & present sins on Laylatul Qadr 
Abu Hurairah (RA) narrated that the Prophet s.a.w. said: ”Whoever stands (in qiyaam) in Lailatul-Qadr out of faith and expectation (of Allah’s reward), will have ALL of his previous sins forgiven.” (Al-Bukhari and Muslim)

Edited from: 

Saturday, July 5, 2014

Kesilapan Kerap Muslim Dalam Bulan Ramadhan

Nabi Muhammad s.a.w. bersabda maksudnya: “Sesiapa berpuasa pada Ramadan dengan penuh keimanan dan keikhlasan, diampunkan dosanya yang telah lalu.” (Hadis riwayat Bukhari, Muslim dan Ahmad).

Alangkah ruginya jika kebanyakan umat Islam mensia-siakan atau tidak memanfaatkan kedatangan Ramadan yang sebentar itu dengan kerja kebajikan. Perkara ini kerana pada bulan inilah Allah memberi banyak keistimewaan iaitu berupa ganjaran pahala berganda bagi setiap amalan baik yang dikerjakan. Ia tidak dikurniakan Allah pada bulan lain. Namun, kemampuan untuk mendapatkan kesempurnaan pahala Ramadhan kerap kali tergugat akibat kekurangan ilmu dan kekurangperihatinan umat Islam kini. 

Antara yang dimaksudkan adalah :- 

1) Makan dan minum dengan bebas setelah batal puasa dengan sengaja (bukan kerana uzur yang diterima Islam). 

Perlu diketahui bahawa sesiapa yang batal puasanya dengan sengaja tanpa uzur seperti mengeluarkan mani secara sengaja, merokok, makan dan minum, ia dilarang untuk makan dan minum lagi atau melakukan apa jua perkara yang membatalkan puasa yang lain sepanjang hari itu. Ia dikira denda yang pertama baginya selain kewajiban menggantikannya kemudiannya. Keadaan ini disebut di dalam sebuah hadith, 

Ertinya : "Sesungguhnya sesiapa yang telah makan (batal puasa) hendaklah ia berpuasa baki waktu harinya itu" (Riwayat al-Bukhari) 

2) Makan sahur di waktu tengah malam kerana malas bangun di akhir malam. 

Jelasnya, individu yang melakukan amalan ini terhalang dari mendapat keberkatan dan kelebihan yang ditawarkan oleh Nabi SAW malah bercanggah dengan sunnah baginda. "Sahur" itu sendiri dari sudut bahasanya adalah waktu terakhir di hujung malam. Para Ulama pula menyebut waktunya adalah 1/6 terakhir malam. Imam Ibn Hajar menegaskan melewatkan sahur adalah lebih mampu mencapai objektif yang diletakkan oleh Nabi SAW. 

3) Bersahur dengan hanya makan & minum sahaja tanpa ibadah lain. 

Ini satu lagi kesilapan umat Islam kini, waktu tersebut pada hakikatnya adalah antara waktu terbaik untuk beristigfar dan menunaikan solat malam. 

Firman Allah ketika memuji orang Mukmin ertinya : "dan ketika waktu-waktu bersahur itu mereka meminta ampun dan beristighfar" (Az-Zariyyat : 18) 

يا رسول الله , أي الدعاء أسمع ؟ : قال : جوف الليل الأخير ودبر الصلوات المكتوبة

Ertinya : "Ditanya kepada Nabi (oleh seorang sahabat) : Wahai Rasulullah :" Waktu bilakah doa paling didengari (oleh Allah s.w.t) ; Jawab Nabi : Pada hujung malam (waktu sahur) dan selepas solat fardhu" (Riwayat At-Tirmidzi) 

4) Tidak menunaikan solat ketika berpuasa. 

Ia adalah satu kesilapan yang maha besar. Memang benar, solat bukanlah syarat sah puasa. Tetapi ia adalah rukun Islam yang menjadi tonggak kepada keislaman sesorang. Justeru, ‘ponteng' solat dengan sengaja akan menyebabkan pahala puasa seseorang itu menjadi ‘kurus kering' pastinya. 

5) Tidak mengutamakan solat Subuh berjemaah sebagaimana Terawih. 

Ini jelas suatu kelompongan yang ada dalam masyarakat tatkala berpuasa. Ramai yang lupa dan tidak mengetahui kelebihan besar semua solat fardhu berbanding solat sunat, terutamanya solat subuh berjemaah yang disebutkan oleh Nabi SAW bagi orang yang mendirikannya secara berjemaah, maka beroleh pahala menghidupkan seluruh malam. 

6) Menunaikan solat terawih di masjid dengan niat inginkan meriah. 

Malanglah mereka kerana setiap amalan di kira dengan niat, jika niat utama seseorang itu (samada lelaki atau wanita) hadir ke masjid adalah untuk meriah dan bukannya atas dasar keimanan dan mengharap ganjaran redha Allah sebagaimana yang ditetapkan oleh Nabi SAW di dalam hadith riwayat al-Bukhari. Maka, "Sesungguhnya sesuatu amalan itu dikira dengan niat". (Riwayat al-Bukhari) 

7) Bermalasan dan tidak produktif dalam kerja-kerja di siang hari dengan alasan berpuasa. 

Sedangkan, kerja yang kita lakukan di pejabat dengan niat ibadat pastinya menambahkan lagi pahala. Justeru, umat Islam sewajarnya memperaktifkan produktiviti mereka dan bukan mengurangkannya di Ramadhan ini. 

8) Memperbanyakkan tidur di siang hari dengan alasan ia adalah ibadat. 

Sedangkan Imam As-Sayuti menegaskan bahawa hadith yang menyebut berkenaan tidur orang berpuasa itu ibadat adalah amat lemah. (al-Jami' as-Soghir; Faidhul Qadir, Al-Munawi, 6/291) 

9) Menganggap waktu imsak sebagai ‘lampu merah' bagi sahur. 

Ini adalah kerana waktu imsak sebenarnya tidak lain hanyalah ‘lampu amaran oren' yang dicadangkan oleh beberapa ulama demi mengingatkan bahawa waktu sahur sudah hampir tamat. Ia bukanlah waktu tamat untuk makan sahur, tetapi waktu amaran sahaja. Lalu, janganlah ada yang memberi alasan lewat bangun dan sudah masuk imsak lalu tidak dapat berpuasa pada hari itu. Waktu yang disepakti ulama merupakan waktu penamat sahur adalah sejurus masuk fajar sadiq (subuh). (As-Siyam, Dr Md ‘Uqlah, hlm 278) 

10) Wanita berterawih beramai-ramai di masjid tanpa menjaga aurat. 

Ini nyata apabila ramai antara wanita walaupun siap bertelekung ke masjid, malangnya kaki dan aurat mereka kerap terdedah dan didedahkan ketika berjalan dan naik tangga masjid di hadapan jemaah lelaki. Tatkala itu, fadhilat mereka solat di rumah adalah lebih tinggi dari mendatangkan fitnah buat lelaki ketika di masjid. 

11) Memasuki Ramadhan dalam keadaan harta masih dipenuhi dengan harta haram, samada terlibat dengan pinjaman rumah, kad kredit, insuran, pelaburan dan kereta secara riba. 

Ini sudah tentu akan memberi kesan yang amat nyata kepada kualiti ibadah di bulan Ramadhan, kerana status orang terlibat dengan riba adalah sama dengan berperang dengan Allah dan RasulNya, tanpa azam dan usaha untuk mengubahnya dengan segera di bulan 'tanpa Syaitan' ini, bakal menyaksikan potensi besar untuk gagal terus untuk kembali ke pangkal jalan di bulan lain. 

Nabi Muhammad menceritakan :- 

ذَكَرَ الرَّجُلَ يُطِيلُ السَّفَرَ أَشْعَثَ أَغْبَرَ يَمُدُّ يَدَيْهِ إلى السَّمَاءِ يا رَبِّ يا رَبِّ وَمَطْعَمُهُ حَرَامٌ وَمَشْرَبُهُ حَرَامٌ وَمَلْبَسُهُ حَرَامٌ وَغُذِيَ بِالْحَرَامِ فَأَنَّى يُسْتَجَابُ لِذَلِكَ

Ertinya :  "menyebut tentang seorang pemuda yang bermusafir dalam perjalanan yang jauh, hal rambutnya kusut masai, mukanya berdebu di mana dia mengangkat tangan ke langit : Wahai Tuhanku...wahai Tuhanku... sedangkan makanannya haram, minumannya haram dan pakaiannya haram..Dan dia dibesarkan dengan memakan makanan haram maka bagaimana Kami mahu mengabulkan doanya." (Riwayat Muslim) 

Justeru, bagaimana Allah mahu memakbulkan doa orang yang berpuasa sedangkan keretanya haram, rumahnya haram, kad kreditnya haram, insurannya haram, simpanan banknya haram, pendapatannya haram?. Benar, kita perlu bersangka baik dengan Allah, tetapi sangka baik tanpa meloloskan diri dari riba yang haram adalah penipuan kata Imam Hasan Al-Basri. 

12) Tidak memperbanyakkan doa tatkala berpuasa dan berbuka. 

Ini satu lagi jenis kerugian yang kerap dilakukan oleh umat Islam. Nabi SAW telah menyebut, yang bererti: 

"Tiga golongan yang tidak ditolak doa mereka, pemimpin yang adil, individu berpuasa sehingga berbuka dan doa orang yang di zalimi" (Riwayat At-Tirmizi) 
Selain itu, doa menjadi bertambah maqbul tatkala ingin berbuka berdasarkan hadith. 
Ertinya : "Sesungguhnya bagi orang berpuasa itu ketika berbuka (atau hampir berbuka) doa yang tidak akan ditolak" (Riwayat Ibn Majah) 


Artikel asal oleh: Dr Zaharuddin Abd Rahman (