Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Perjalanan Kehidupanku

Suatu masa dulu… 
Hamba Mu ini hanyut dalam arus kehidupan, 
Begitu sibuk mengejar impian, 
Dengan harapan mendapat penghormatan dan kemewahan, 

Dunia yang fana ini menjadi matlamatku, 
Cinta berteraskan nafsu menjadi buruanku, 
Perihal akhiratku tiada ku endahkan, 
Perintah dan larangan Mu tidak ku hiraukan, 
Azab dan seksaan Mu tidak ku risaukan, 
Syurga dan neraka tidak ku fikirkan… 

Sehinggalah pada suatu hari… 
Engkau menguji ku dengan kegagalan, 
Yang memusnahkan segala harapan, 
Menjadikan hamba Mu ini bergelut dengan kesedihan… 

Ya Rahman… 
Di saat itu sangat sukar bagi ku menerima kenyataan, 
Ku bertanya di mana kesilapan dan kesalahan, 
Hingga ku persoalkan apa yang telah Engkau takdirkan, 
Ku menjerit di mana keadilan dan belas kasihan Mu oh Tuhan! 

Dan kini... 
Barulah ku sedari, 
Pada kegagalan yang ku anggap suatu ketidakadilan itu, 
Terselit nikmat kasih sayang Mu ya Rahim, 
Kerana melalui kegagalan itulah aku mula mengenali Mu, 
Disebabkan kegagalan itulah aku menyedari bahawa 
Dunia tidak patut dijadikan matlamat, 
Cinta berlandaskan nafsu tidak patut dijadikan buruan, 
Lantas aku berpaling darinya dan berlari ke arah cinta Mu, 
Hanya keredhaan Mu sahajalah yang ingin ku raih kini... 

Ya 'Azim... 
Inginku luahkan kesyukuranku kepada Mu, 
Kerana di antara berjuta manusia, 
Engkau telah sudi memilih diriku yang hina dina ini, 
untuk menerima taufiq dan hidayah dari Mu 
dan menghijrahkan diriku dari alam jahiliyah 
ke alam uluhiyyah dan ubudiyyah... 

Ya Allah... 
Aku amat berterima kasih kepada Mu 
Kerana Engkau tidak pernah membiarkan diriku terus tersesat 
Dalam kehidupan yang serba sementara ini, 
Meskipun ketika itu aku sering terlalai dari mengingati Mu... 

Memang tidak dapat dinafikan lagi, 
Bahawa sesunggungnya Engkau Maha Pengasih Lagi Maha Penyayang… 

Ya 'Aziz… 
Izinkanlah aku untuk terus berada di dalam jalan Mu ini untuk selama-lamanya, 
Janganlah Engkau kembalikan aku ke lorong gelap yang membawa kepada kesesatan, 
Ampunkanlah kejahilan dan kelalaianku selama ini, 
Pimpin dan bimbinglah hamba Mu yang lemah ini ke arah cinta Mu, 

Ku mohon agar Engkau teguhkanlah tugu keimanan ku, 
Benarkanlah aku untuk merasai halawatul iman, 
Anugerahkanlah kepada ku kekuatan dan kesabaran, 
Pekakkanlah telinga ku dari sebarang sindiran dan ejekan, 
Kebalkanlah jasadku dari segala kesakitan, 
Dalam menjalankan amanah yang Engkau pikulkan di bahu ku… 

Ya Khaliq... 
Jadikanlah setiap hembusan nafasku, 
Setiap kelipan mataku, 
Setiap degupan jantungku, 
Setiap helaian rambutku, 
Setiap bait perkataanku, 
Setiap hayunan tanganku, 
Setiap langkah kakiku 
Dan setiap titisan darahku, 
Hanyalah untuk Mu… 

Sebelum tiba ajalku, 
Ingin ku merayu kepada Mu, 
Bukakanlah pintu hati insan di sekelilingku, 
untuk mengampuni dosa-dosaku terhadap diri mereka, 
Lancarkanlah lidahku untuk menjawab soalan malaikat utusanMu, 
Luaskanlah dan terangilah tempat pembaringanku, 
Meriahkanlah pusaraku dengan ayat-ayat suci Mu, 
Permudahkanlah perjalanan ku di alam seterusnya... 

Curahkanlah redha Mu terhadapku sepanjang hayatku 
Dan izinkanlah aku untuk mengadapmu Di dalam Jannah yang serba indah... 

Dan esok, Andainya aku tidak bernafas lagi, 
Sampaikanlah ucapan selamat tinggalku kepada insan yang ku sayangi, 
Bimbinglah mereka sepertimana Engkau telah sudi membimbing diri ini, 
Agar dapat ku bertemu dengan mereka lagi, 
Di pertemuan yang hakiki,
Di dalam syurga yang kekal abadi...

Sunday, December 29, 2013

Peringatan Buat Dirimu Dan Diriku

Wahai diri, mengertilah….

Dalam rancak kau menyiram taman hati insan lain,
Kau terlupa membaja taman hatimu sendiri,
Agar ia sentiasa segar dalam hubungan dengan Allah,
Tersentuh dengan daulatNya,
Merasa terpikul amanah ad-Deen ini..

Seringkah kau mencari jalan
Agar hatimu sentiasa lembut halus sentuhanNya
Agar sentiasa sedar akan keagunganNya
Insafi kekerdilan, kelemahan, kealpaan, dan kesilapan dirimu..?
Ketahuilah diriku,
Hatimu itu keras, khusyukmu kurang
Syukur dan redhamu tidak banyak kau hadiahkan padaNya
Terlalu banyak kurang dan salahmu..

Tunaikankanlah solatmu dalam khusyuk dan tenang
Muhasabahlah dirimu kala sunyi,
Selamilah kalam-kalam al-Quran yang kau perjuangkan
Padanya ada bekalan
Untuk kau terus menongkah bahtera perjuangan ini

Pada nawafil dan amalan sunat
Ada jalan yang hampir utkmu berkasih sayang dengan tuhanmu
Pada qiamullail di keheningan malam
Bersama bisikan doa dan munajatmu
Diiring esak airmata keinsafan dan keikhlasan
Kau akan temui kemanisan taqarrub di bawah duli kebesaranNya
Di situ ada bekalnya..
Lazimilah awal harimu dengan al-Ma’thurat
Pasti kau akan mengenali dirimu sebagai daie

Pada tawadhuk, pada ukhwafillah, pada infaq fisabilillah
Pada uzlah muhasabah diri, pada zikir dan selawat
Ada ketenangan dan kekuatan

Amanahlah kau di hadapan manusia
Kerana kedaulatan Tuhanmu
Namun rasailah kekerdilan dirimu
Di hadapan kudrat dan iradatNya
Pasakkan keyakinan untuk satu perubahan.

Saturday, December 28, 2013

Find a VERY pious husband?

There was this beautiful woman, who wanted to get married, but she wanted a very pious husband, so she said that she’ll marry the man who recites the whole Quran every single day, fasts for the whole year and stays awake and worships Allah all throughout the night.

She was a very beautiful woman, and a lot of suitors wanted to marry her, but they knew they couldn’t fulfil the conditions she set. Until this one man stepped forward and said he could fulfil them. So the Imam got both of them married.

After the first night of the marriage, the wife sees that the husband doesn’t recite the whole of the Quran, nor does he fast, nor does he stay awake in the worship of Allah, she decided to let it roll on for a few weeks to see if there were any changes, there weren’t, so she filed a complaint and asked for a divorce.

They are both taken in front of the judge, and the judge asked, ‘What were the conditions of the marriage?’ the man replied ‘They were for me to recite the whole Quran daily, keep fast for the whole year and to worship Allah all throughout the night.’

The Judge asked, ‘Did you fulfil them?'. The man calmly answered, ‘…yes.’

The judge answers, ‘You lie, your wife has said that you don’t, that’s why she’s asking for a divorce’.

But the man insisted that he had fulfilled the conditions, so the judge asked, ‘Did you recite the full Quran everyday?’ The man answered, 'Yes'. The Judge, baffled asked, ‘How? How can you do that?’ The man coolly answered, ‘I recite Surah Ikhlas three times a day and according to Prophet Muhammad (saw), reciting Surah Ikhlas three times is equivalent to reciting the whole Quran.’ The Judge was intrigued, so he asked, ‘How did you fast the whole year?’ The man answered, ‘I fasted for the whole month of Ramadan, then kept another six fasts in the month of Shawwal, according to Prophet Muhammad (saw), keeping all of the fast of Ramadan then keeping six fasts in the month of Shawwal, is as if you have fasted for the whole year.’

The Judge remained silent, he couldn’t give a reply saying the man was wrong, so finally he asked, ‘How did you stay awake all night and worship Allah, when your wife saw you sleeping?’ The Judge thought the man wouldn’t be able to answer this one, but the man, cool as a cucumber answered, ‘I prayed Salatul Isha with jamaat, then the next day prayed Salatul Fajr with jamaat, according to Prophet Muhammad (saw), the one who prays Salatul Isha and Salatul Fajr with jamaat, it is as if he had stayed up all night worshipping Allah.’

The Judge sat there looking at the man; the final verdict was about to be released…

He said to the man and his wife, ‘…go, just go, there is nothing wrong with this marriage…’

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Hati Yang Rapuh

Dikala hatiku masih berbolak balik,
Bisikan dan hasutan syaitan silih berganti,
Ku kuatkan semangat melawan semampu mungkin,
Aaargh, lemahnya diriku kerna sering tertewas!

Kerapuhan hati kian meningkat,
Dek kerana titik hitam yang menyelinap dan bersembuyi dihatiku,
Terasa begitu sakit dan pedih apabila virus kian merebak merosakkan hati ini,
Sungguh sukar untukku mendapatkan penawarnya,

Sesungguhnya, menjagamu amat sukar bagiku,
Ku tetapkan hati ,
Hati ini mesti dilindungi dan dikasihi,
Tidak tegar untukku menzalimi hati yang diciptakan suci dan bersih,

Ku mengorak 1001 langkah yang membawa hati ini dekat kepadaNya,
Agar sentiasa terpelihara,
Kerna, terlalu lemah untukku memeliharanya,

Ya Allah,
Sesungguhnya aku mengerti ,
Hati ini hanya untukMu,

Ya Allah,
Hanya padaMula aku berserah,
Hanya padaMu, selayak-layaknya hati ini kembali ,
Janganlah Engkau membiarkan hati ini dizalimi,
Ya Allah kepadaMu aku bersandar agar hati ini sentiasa di bawah lindungan dan rahmatMu

Monday, December 23, 2013

Alhamdulillah – One Word; Countless Blessings!

Gratitude! At the mention of this word, all of us think of many incidents in our life where we have been grateful to someone for their help or even their presence in our life. Gratitude is one of the main factors in the life of a Muslim. Islam speaks highly of practising gratitude. Gratitude to Allah (glorified and exalted be He) holds high in its pedestal. There are simple things we can do to show our gratitude to our Creator for all that He has given us and continues to give us. SubhanAllah!

1. Make a habit of saying “Alhamdulillah”(all praise be to Allah) at every ease and hardship:

Suhaib reported that Allah’s Messenger (peace and blessings of Allāh be upon him) said:

“Strange are the ways of a believer for there is good in every affair of his and this is not the case with anyone else except in the case of a believer for if he has an occasion to feel delight, he thanks Allah, thus there is a good for him in it, and if he gets into trouble and shows resignation (endures into patiently), there is good for him in it.” [Sahih Muslim]

It is as simple as making doa to Allah (glorified and exalted be He) for things to go the right in your life. The only thing that Allah (glorified and exalted be He) asks in return is your gratitude to Him. Make it a habit to say “Alhamdulillah” at every good news or at every good turn in your life. Not to forget, be thankful to Allah (glorified and exalted be He) for saving you from any calamity also.

In seeking to thank Allah (glorified and exalted be He), not only do you please Him, but you are sure to receive success in return – in abundance. Do not forget, Allah (glorified and exalted be He) loves those who thank Him. Be grateful throughout your day. When you wake up in the morning, when you eat or drink, when you give charity and more so when you listen to the Holy Quran, always say ‘Alhamdulillah’.

As the Quran says,

“And remember when your Lord proclaimed, “If you are grateful, I will surely increase you in favour. But if you deny indeed, my punishment is severe.” [Quran: Chapter 14, Verse 7]

2. Prayers:

Prayers are the best form of showing your gratitude to Allah (glorified and exalted be He). Remembrance of Allah (glorified and exalted be He) at all times, especially during your prayers, is a form of showing gratitude. Pray on time, do not forget your obligatory prayers and if possible, make sunnah prayers as well. Remember to make doa in remembrance of Allah (glorified and exalted be He) and thank Him for all that he has bestowed upon you. Making doa for oneself and for others is characteristic of a true Muslim. A trait that Allah (glorified and exalted be He) himself loves to see in believers!

Try to develop traits of kindness, hospitality, lowering your tone of voice and personal hygiene. Mostly, He loves to see those who supplicate to him, not only at times of need, but also just because they remembered him. Only through steadfast prayer is it possible for a Muslim to be a true believer. Without prayer, he will find himself in a state of loss.

As Allah (glorified and exalted be He) says in the Holy Quran, “Whoever does righteousness, whether male or female, while he is a believer-we will surely cause him to live a good life, and we will surely give them their reward (in the hereafter) according to the best of what they used to do.” [Quran: Chapter 16, Verse 97]

The reward for prayers is immense. Jannah becomes closer to you and all for just showing your sign of gratitude to Allah (glorified and exalted be He) for what he has done for you throughout your life.

3. Helping oneself through helping others:

Helping another person is a sign of a true Muslim. In this busy world, all of us get caught up in our daily activities that we tend to forget what we have and what others need. For example, when you see your office mate short of money to buy lunch, offer him/her to share your lunch or provide them with lunch for a day. You will not be at any loss! Allah (glorified and exalted be He) has a list of all your deeds and is waiting to reward you.

The Holy Quran says: “As for those who believed and did righteous deeds, for them will be the Gardens of refuge, as accommodation for what they used to do.” [Quran: Chapter 32, Verse 19]

There are many ways of helping others and doing good deeds.

Show your gratitude through charity. Allah (glorified and exalted be He) loves those believers who spend for His cause. Any form of spending for His cause, for Allah’s (glorified and exalted be He) pleasure alone, and you will surely be rewarded in abundance!

Cleaning the house for your wife, opting to help someone cross the road, all these are small acts that you could start with.

4. Being good to others the same way you want them to be good to you:

We always complain of how some people mistreat us or bully us. But no matter what situation you are in, you should never forget to treat others with respect, dignity and equality. The more they mistreat you, chances are that you will want to react furiously to them. But remember Allah (glorified and exalted be He) in such situations. Is it worthy that a believer of Allah (glorified and exalted be He) fights with others? Is that what Ar-Rahman expects from us? The person on the other side might not worry about all this. But you will be answerable to the Almighty on the Day of Judgment and there won’t be a third person as a witness to support your argument. You will be answerable for your own actions.

It is reported on the authority of Abu Huraira (may Allāh be pleased with him) that the Messenger (peace and blessings of Allāh be upon him) observed, “He who believes in Allah and the Last Day does not harm his neighbor, and he who believes in Allah and the Last Day shows hospitality to his guest and he who believes in Allah and the Last Day speaks good or remains silent.” [Sahih Muslim]

So the more you stay away from such actions and thoughts, the more you are respecting Allah’s (glorified and exalted be He) words and that in turn is a form of showing gratitude to Our Lord for all that he has done for you. So think twice before you react. In fact, think thrice before you react.

5. Think good things, say good things:

The fact that we can think and speak is indeed a gift from Allah (glorified and exalted be He). Are you aware of the angels that guard you throughout your lives? The angels who are appointed by Allah (glorified and exalted be He) to write down your good and bad deeds?

“When the two receivers receive, seated on the right and on the left. Man does not utter any word except that with him is an observer prepared [to record].” [Quran: Chapter 50, Verse 17-18]

Be wary of what you say. Every thought, every word you speak, is written down and is presented on the Day of Judgement.

So try to bring yourself to think good thoughts, think good for others. Start with small thoughts. For example, when your friend receives some form of accolade, show appreciation for it. Try not to bicker about it. Try to be happy for the person and if possible, make a doa for success for the person in the future as well. If that is too hard, start with small steps, appreciate him/her and control your thought from being jealous of the other person. Try to make changes in your life by other small activities like cooking for your family, thanking your parents for all that they have given you, taking care of your younger siblings so your mother can rest for a while, cleaning the house, spending time with your grandparents etc.

These are all small acts we all could start within our lives, and it could benefit us in the long run through good practice of it in our daily life.

I’ll leave with a thought for all of you to ponder upon: if Allah (glorified and exalted be He) can give us everything we ask for, why is it so hard for us to be grateful. If not for Allah(glorified and exalted be He), who else do we do all this for?

Source : Productive Muslim

Saturday, December 21, 2013

Coretan untuk Adam

Maafkan aku jika coretan ini memanaskan hatimu. Sesungguhnya aku adalah Hawa, temanmu yang kau pinta semasa kesunyian di syurga dahulu. Aku asalnya dari tulang rusukmu yang bengkok. Jadi tidak hairanlah jika perjalanan hidupku sentiasa inginkan bimbingan darimu, sentiasa maHu terpesong dari landasan, kerana aku buruan syaitan.

Maha suci Allah yang mentakdirkan kaumku lebih ramai bilangannya dari kaummu dia akhir zaman, itulah sebenarnya ketelitian Allah dalam urusanNya. Jika bilangan kaummu mengatasai kaumku nescaya merahlah dunia kerana darah manuia, kacau-bilaulah suasana, Adam sama Adam bermusuhan kerana Hawa. Buktinya cukup nyata dari peristiwa Habil dan Qabil sehinggalah pada zaman cucu-cicitnya. Pun jika begitu maka tidak selaraslah undang-undang Allah yang mengharuskan Adam beristeri lebih dari satu tapi tidak lebih dari empat pada satu waktu. 

Bukan kerana ramainya isterimu yang membimbangkan aku, bukan kerana sedikitnya bilanganmu yang merunsingkan aku. Tapi.....aku risau, gundah dan gulana menyaksikan tingkahmu. Aku sejak dulu lagi sudah tahu bahawa aku mesti tunduk ketika menjadi isterimu. Namun.....terasa berat pula untukku meyatakan isi perkara. 

Aku tahu bahawa dalam Al-Quran ada ayat yang menyatakan kaum lelaki adalah menguasai terhadap kaum wanita. Kau diberi amanah untuk mendidik aku, kau diberi tanggungjawab untuk menjaga aku, memerhati dan mengawasi aku agar sentiasa di dalam redha Tuhanku dan Tuhanmu. Tapi Adam, nyata dan rata-rata apa yang sudah terjadi pada kaumku kini, aku dan kaumku telah ramai menderhakai padaNYA. Ramai yang telah menyimpang dari jalan yang ditetapkan. Asalnya Allah mengkehendaki aku tinggal tetap dirumah. Di jalan-jalan, di pasar-pasar, di bandar-bandar bukan tempatku. Jika terpaksa aku keluar dari rumah seluruh tubuhku mesti ditutup dari hujung kaki sampai hujung rambut.Tapi......realitinya kini, Hawa telah lebih dari sepatutnya. 

mengapa kau biarkan aku begini? Aku jadi ibu, aku jadi guru, itu sudah tentu katamu. Aku ibu dan guru kepada anak-anakmu. Tapi sekarang diwaktu yang sama, aku ke muka menguruskan hal negara, aku ke hutan memikul senjata. Padahal, kau duduk saja. Ada diantara kau yang menganggur tiada kerja. Kau perhatikan saja aku panjat tangga di pejabat bomba, kainku tinggi menyingsing peha mengamankan negara. Apakah kau sekarang tidak lagi seperti dulu? apakah sudah hilang kasih sucimu terhadapku? 

Marahkah kau jika kukatakan andainya Hawa terpesong, maka Adam yang patut tanggung! Kenapa? Mengapa begitu ADAM? Ya! Ramai orang berkata jika anak jahat emak-bapak tak pandai didik, jika murid bodoh, guru yang tidak pandai mengajar! Adam kau selalu berkata, Hawa memang degil, tak mahu dengar kata, tak mudah makan nasihat, kepala batu, pada hematku yang dhaif ini Adam, seharusnya kau tanya dirimu, apakah didikanmu terhadapku sama seperti didikan Nabi MUhammad SAW terhadap isteri-isterinya? Adakah Adam melayani Hawa sama seperti psikologi Muhammad terhadap mereka? Adakah akhlak Adam-Adam boleh dijadikan contoh terhadap kaum Hawa? 

Kau sebenarnya imam dan aku adalah makmummu, aku adalah pengikut-pengikutmu kerana kau adalah ketua. Jika kau benar, maka benarlah aku. Jika kau lalai, lalailah aku. Kau punya kelebihan akal manakala aku kelebihan nafsu. Akalmu sembilan, nafsumu satu. Aku...akalku satu nafsuku beribu! 

Dari itu Adam....pimpinlah tanganku, kerana aku sering lupa dan lalai, sering aku tergelincir ditolak sorong oleh nafsu dan kuncu-kuncunya. Bimbinglah daku untuk menyelami kalimah Allah, perdengarkanlah daku kalimah syahdu dari Tuhanmu agar menerangi hidupku. Tiuplah ruh jihad ke dalam dadaku agar aku mEnjadi mujahidah kekasih Allah. 

Andainya aku masih lalai dengan kerenahmu sendiri, masih segan mengikut langkah para sahabat, masih gentar mencegah mungkar, maka kita tunggu dan lihatlah, dunia ini akan hancur bila kaumku yang akan memerintah. Malulah engkau Adam, malulah engkau pada dirimu sendiri dan pada Tuhanmu yang engkau agungkan itu....

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

The Barakah In Serving Our Parents

When we were young, our parents meant everything to us. They are the ones who brought happiness and joy to our lives. We looked up to them as our heroes; they were champions in our eyes. We saw how, despite their busy work schedules, they still had the energy to teach us, play with us, and bring us out to interesting places and so on. They were chosen by Allah s.w.t. to nurse us when we were sick and to protect us from all sorts of danger and threats. 

We depended on them for all our needs. And then at one point, we find that our heroes, who were able to do everything for us, began to change. They are not as strong as they were before. While they used to be able to bring us out to all sorts of wonderful places, they may start complaining of aches in their legs and lack the energy to even walk up a few flights of stairs.

While they were once cheerful, they may easily be hurt or slighted by our words or actions, without us even realising it. That is indeed the cycle of life. Men will change not only physically, but also emotionally as they age. This is not a punishment but a gift from Allah s.w.t. to His servants so that as they get older, they will focus more on the Hereafter – the place they will return to for eternity. 

In his youth, a man would usually be busy chasing material wealth, busy with work and managing his daily life. However, as he ages, all that nikmat (blessing) will be reduced so that he will remember his impending death. It is replaced with the nikmat of a more sensitive heart that is easily softened, so that it will ease him as he brings himself closer to Allah s.w.t.

When this change happens, Allah s.w.t. has reminded us as children, in surah Al-Isra' 23:

Which means: “And your Lord has decreed that you not worship except Him, and to parents, good treatment. Whether one or both of them reach old age [while] with you, say not to them [so much as], "uff," and do not repel them but speak to them a noble word.”

Allah s.w.t. is All Knowing, and indeed He truly knows the emotional state of men when he is in his old age. Thus, Allah reminds His servants to be very careful and to take extra care when dealing with their parents and not to utter any words or use any tone which may offend or hurt their feelings.

Parents have to make countless sacrifices and give up all sorts of comforts, and sometimes even endure pain and hardship just to raise their children. It is because of this sacrifice that Allah s.w.t. has placed both our parents on a high standing. That is why there is a hadith of the Prophet s.a.w, narrated by Ibnu Hibban in his Shahih, which means: 
“The pleasure of Allah is the pleasure of the parents and the wrath of Allah is the wrath of parents.” 

Sometimes we go out and travel for miles and miles just to seek the doa of pious people. But we forget how noble our parents are and that their doa (prayers) will be granted by Allah. Be kind and courteous to them for as long as you have been given the opportunity to do so. Do no ill-treat them because with them lie the key to barakah and paradise. 
Indeed, there are challenges in taking care of our aged parents, just as there are challenges in raising children. However, we can be mindful of several matters so that the situation does not get too complex or challenging.

First: The responsibility of taking care of our parents is a shared responsibility of all the children, and must be shared equally by all whether it is the daughter or son. Just because some of our siblings are taking care of our parents, does not mean we can wash our hands off the matter. It is obligatory upon all of us to share the responsibility with fairness and care for them. We must also lend emotional, financial and physical support to our siblings who care for our parents' full time. If our brothers and sisters are tired from looking after them, we must play our roles by giving them time to rest and taking care of our parents' needs. They must also be given time to spend with their own family. 

Second: We need to correct our perception that taking care of our aged parents, no matter how challenging it can get at times, is not a burden but in fact, is a blessing or barakah. Rasulullah s.a.w. once said in a hadith narrated by Imam Muslim: 
"Woe to him, woe to him, woe to him." The Prophet was asked: "Woe to whom, oh Rasulullah?" He replied: “A person who sees either one or both his parents in old age but does not attain Paradise."  

Let us not lose the opportunity to attain a place in Paradise. Do our best to serve our parents, and when it is time for them to leave us, we do not have any regret because we have done our utmost to take care of them and treat them with respect and kindness. When Allah s.w.t. has taken them away from us, we have lost the most valuable blessing that Allah has given to us. Instil in our children a sense of love and to value the elderly by loving our own parents and taking care of them.

It is extremely worrying that recently the papers have reported that cases of children who abuse their aged parents have risen. We cannot allow for this trend to continue and become widespread. Thus, we have to start with our own families. 

Third: Make sure that we remember our parents in our doa all the time. Whether our parents are still alive or they have passed on, we should continue to make doa for their well-being. At the very least, remember what Allah s.w.t. says in surah Al-Isra’ verse 24:

Which means: “And lower to them the wing of humility out of mercy and say, "My Lord, have mercy upon them as they brought me up [when I was] small.” 

Our parents were never miserly in showering us with love so that we can live well. Thus, if they have any mistakes towards us we should try to forgive them for their weakness. Do not let syaitan overcome us and instigate us to become rebellious children and then fail to gain a place in Allah's Paradise. 

May Allah s.w.t. grant us the sincerity and strength to continue to serve our parents, whether they are still alive or have passed away. May Allah s.w.t. forgive the sins and wrongdoings of our beloved parents, and shower them and us with His Rahmah. Amin Ya Rabbal Alamin.

Source : http://www.muis.gov.sg

Sunday, December 15, 2013


Andai engkau masih remaja, jadilah anak yang solehah buat kedua ibu bapamu, andai engkau sudah bersuami jadilah isteri yang meringankan beban suamimu, andai engkau masih ibu, didiklah anakmu sehingga dia tidak gentar memperjuangkan ad-din Allah.

Andai engkau belum berkahwin jangan kau risau jodohmu, ingatlah Hawa janji Tuhan kita, wanita yang baik adalah untuk lelaki yang baik. Jangan dimulakan sebuah pertemuan dengan lelaki yang bukan muhrim kerana aku khuatir dari mata jatuh ke hati, maka lahirnya senyuman maka tercetusnya salam dan sekaligus disusuli dengan pertemuan takut lahirnya nafsu kejahatan yang menguasai diri.

Lelaki yang baik tidak melihat paras rupa, lelaki yang soleh tidak memilih wanita melalui keseksiannnya, lelaki yang warak tidak menilai wanita melalui keayuannya, kemanjaannya, serta kemampuannya mengoncang iman lelaki. Tetapi lelaki yang baik akan menilai wanita melalui akhlaknya, peribadinya dan yang penting pegangan agamanya.

Lelaki yang baik juga tidak menginginkan pertemuan dengan wanita yang bukan muhrimnya kerana dia takut memberi kesempatan kepada syaitan untuk mengodanya. Lelaki yang warak juga tidak mahu bermain cinta kerana dia tahu apa matlamat dalam sebuah pertemuan lelaki dan wanita yakni sebuah perkahwinan.

Oleh itu Hawa,
Jagalah pandanganmu, awasilah auratmu, peliharalah akhlakmu, kuatkan pendirianmu. Andai ditakdirkan tiada cinta daripada Adam untukmu, cukuplah hanya cinta Allah memenuhi dan menyinari kekosongan jiwamu, biarlah hanya cinta daripada kedua ibu bapamu yang memberi hangat kebahagiaan buat dirimu, cukuplah sekadar cinta adik- beradik serta keluarga yang membahagiakan dirimu.

Cintailah Allah di kala susah dan senang kerana kau akan memperolehi cinta daripada insan yang juga menyintai Allah. Cintailah kedua ibu bapamu kerana kau akan perolehi keredhaan Allah. Cintailah keluargamu kerana kau tak akan jumpa cinta yang bahagia selain dari cinta keluarga.

Janganlah sesekali tangan yang mengoncang dunia juga yang mengoncang iman lelaki.

Friday, December 13, 2013

Be in this world as if you are a stranger…

Ibn `Umar relates that Allah’s Messenger (peace be upon him) placed his hand on his shoulder and said: “Be in the world as if you are a stranger or a wayfarer.” 

Thereafter, Ibn `Umar used to say: “When the night comes, do not wait for the day, and when the day comes, do not wait for the night. Take from your health for your sickness, and take from your life for your death.” [Sahîh al-Bukhârî (7/170)] 

The meaning of "stranger" in this hadîth is that of a person living as a foreigner in a foreign land. Here, Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) likens the proper state of a pious believer to a foreigner who has no home to repair to and whose whole life is spent on the road, never staying in any place for a long time, a stranger who is just passing through. 

The hadîth says that the believer in the world is like a traveler in a foreign country. This simile is rich in meaning. There are at least three ways in which it can be understood.About this hadîth, Ibn Battâl observes: 
A foreigner does not much enjoy the company of other people. He generally feels alienated from them, since he rarely happens upon a person he knows. He is a person in a weak position who needs to remain wary. The same goes for a wayfarer. Allah’s Messenger compared the believers to them to show their asceticism, taking from the world only their basic needs. 
[Ibn Hajar al-`Asqalânî, Fath al-Bârî (11/234)] 

Ibn Battâl touches upon one of the meanings that is communicated by this hadîth in its comparing a believer to a stranger in a foreign land. This is the lower than normal desire such a person has for socializing with others in the locality and the discomfort that person feels in their company. 

There is, though, another meaning expressed by this simile. A stranger who is determined to return to his own country rarely becomes attached to anything in the foreign country where he or she is staying. That person's heart is too fully attached to his or her homeland. 

The same can be said for a believer whose heart does not become attached to anything in the world and who longs for the Hereafter which is the permanent abode and to which is the final return. 

We can find a third meaning as well. A stranger is not tainted by the bad conduct that comes from mixing with people and socializing with them. Likewise, a true believer is not distracted from the Creator. Such a person rarely harbors in his heart any envy, rancor, or hypocrisy. A true believer is not one to dispute with others, nor slander them nor expose their faults. 

The hadîth also depicts the idea of spiritual advancement and progress. It follows the simile of a stranger with mention of a wayfarer, and a wayfarer is even less attached to the lands that he or she passes through than the stranger or foreign resident. 

The way that strangeness is used in this particular hadith is a tangible one; it is the idea of being separated from one’s nation and people and dwelling among others. It does not depict the idea that the believer is regarded as odd or strange by others. 

That is another meaning of "stranger": where a person is regarded by the majority to be strange or odd on account of his or her righteousness, adherence to what is best, and avoidance of sin. This is the idea of being in either partial or total nonconformity with one's surroundings, of doing one thing while everyone else is doing another. They are worlds apart. This other understanding of strangeness describes the believers at the end of time and is the meaning of the estrangement found in the hadîth: 
“Islam began strange, and it will become strange again just like it was at the beginning, so blessed are the strangers.” [Sahîh Muslim]

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Aku Ingin Bergelar Solehah

Aku ingin bergelar solehah
tetapi menjaga auratku sahaja kini sudah terasa payah
aku begitu tertarik dengan fesyen dunia
aku terasa rendah diri bila melihat mereka bergaya
tetapi mana mungkin auratku terdedah
kerana aku ingin bergelar solehah

Aku ingin bergelar solehah
tetapi tugas isteri tidak lagi mudah
rumahtangga kini begitu mudah ranapnya
ditambah pula dengan sikap suami yang tak dapat dijangka
kadangkala aku dibiar sendiri
kadangkala aku dibelai mesra
namun dalam apa jua ketika walau dalam linangan airmata
aku tidak membantah
aku patuhi jua setiap kehendak
asalkan tidak bertentangan dengan syariatNya
kerana aku sangat ingin sekali bergelar solehah

Aku ingin bergelar solehah
tetapi aku isteri berkerjaya
pergaulanku perlu dijaga
pertuturanku perlu berpada-pada
takut pula nanti ada yang menaruh cinta
takut pula nanti terluka hati suami tercinta
walaupun aku tidak sengaja dan tidak pernah mengundang orang ketiga
tetapi segalanya mungkin
dan aku perlu tabah dan cekal beriman
kerana aku tentunya ingin bergelar solehah

Aku ingin bergelar solehah
dan aku tahu ianya bukan mudah
tetapi aku yakin dengan janji Allah
dan akan ku terus berpegang pada matlamatku
Aku ingin bergelar solehah...

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Menjaga Fikiran Positif

4 Tips Bagaimana Menjaga Fikiran Positif Setiap Hari.

1. Jangan Komen, Jangan Komplen, Jangan Ngomel.

Mengomen dan mengomplen pada setiap situasi, benda dan perkara adalah perbuatan buruk kerana Anda menyatakan rasa tidak puas hati terhadap sesuatu. Apabila situasi berlaku di luar jangkaan atau masalah timbul tanpa disangka, jangan komen, jangan komplen, jangan mengomel sampai ke laut. Biarkan ia seadanya, biarkan begitu saja. Dah kita tak boleh nak buat apa untuk mengubahnya. Latih diri Anda untuk tidak mempersoalkan. Untuk menjaga fikiran positif, jangan komen,jangan komplen,jangan ngomel.

2. Berhenti Bercakap Seolah-olah Anda Tahu.

Cakap hanya apabila Anda tahu, diam apabila Anda tidak tahu, seperti kami pernah ulang di artikel-artikel lalu. Elak banyak bercakap seolah-olah Anda banyak tahu untuk membuat diri Anda menonjol, nampak hebat gitu. Hanya orang dengan harga diri rendah mahu membuat dirinya menonjol sebab mereka kurang ada kredibiliti. Banyak bercakap kelebihan diri sendiri adalah sikap negatif, berpunca dari fikiran negatif, diapikan oleh ego. Hentikan, supaya Anda dapat ‘maintain’ berfikiran positif. Bila bercakap, lebihkan menyokong, elak mengkondem!

3. Berhenti Salahkan Luaran, Salahkanlah Dalaman.

Berhenti salahkan seseorang, salahkan Tuhan, salahkan pemimpin, salahkan kawan, salahkan adik-beradik atau apa saja di luar diri Anda. Berhenti menyalahkan atau menuding jari pada orang lain atas apa yang berlaku. Tips ini berkait dengan tips pertama tadi. Berhenti mengomen, berhenti mengomplen, berhenti menyalahkan. Salahkan dalaman iaitu diri Anda sendiri kerana tidak berinisiatif memfokus kepada penyelesaian. Salahkan diri Anda kerana tidak memainkan peranan.

Sebagai contoh, jika Anda dilanda masalah kewangan, salahkan diri sendiri kerana tidak bekerja kuat dan tidak bekerja dengan lebih bijak. Jika Anda wanita dan Anda perasan suami Anda tidak melayan Anda berbeza dari dulu, salahkan diri sendiri kerana tidak menjaga kecantikan dan tidak mengambil inisittif mencantikkan lagi kecantikan sedia ada, untuk senangkan hati suami Anda.

4. Jangan Hanya Mahu Dihormati Oleh Semua, Tapi hormatilah Semua, Walau Siapapun Dia!.

Orang berfikiran negatif hanya mahu dihormati. Orang berfikiran positif hormat semua orang dan sikap hormat itu tidak dilakonkan, ia lahir dari hati. Setiap orang disekeliling dihormati tanpa mengira jawatan, harta dan darjat, walau orang tu makcik cleaner sahaja. Orang berfikiran negatif hanya mahu dihormati sebab mereka dikuasai ego. Untuk menjaga fikiran positif, belajarlah menghormati sesiapa saja. Anda akan perasan Anda makin bersemangat untuk maju ke depan.

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Pride and Arrogant

Be thankful to Allah s.w.t.for the Ni'mat (Blessings) that He has showered on us. For, if we were to compare ourselves with the rest of the people in the world, we can really see our Blessings. Are we so poor that we cannot feed our families? Are we so hungry like the people in Africa? Are we faced with war and destruction?

The answer is No! In fact, we never felt such pain and suffering. We never felt so much hunger that we cannot even move. We never needed to think that we would not have water to drink. Never! So, we must be thankful to Allah s.w.t. for such Blessings and Ni'mat. Be thankful by following Allah's Guidance carefully for Allah states which means: "If you felt syukur and grateful, then I will increase my Ni'mat towards you. But if you were kufur or ungrateful for my Ni'mat, then understand that My Punishments are severe."

My Brothers & Sisters,
Can you deny that we are living in comfort and wealth? Our physical needs are fulfilled. We no longer need to work day and night for a simple meal. That is our Blessings. But, we often forget. We forget the most important aspect of our lives. And what is that which is so important? Our souls and our spiritual development.

Everyday, we feed our body. We eat healthy food and protect ourselves from diseases. But we forget to feed our souls. What is the point of healthy food and healthy living, when our souls are starving? What is the point of protecting ourselves from diseases, when our hearts are filled with diseases of Syaitan? Are we suffering from riak? Are we suffering from ujub and takabbur? Are we allowing Syaitan to infect our hearts with these diseases?

And what is riak? Riak is pride. Riak is when everything you do is to get the acknowledgement of others. For if they acknowledge you, then you will receive promotions and respect. Let us stop for a moment and think. If we think about the many inventions and discoveries of the century, we will find that their motives are never pure. Their motives or niat are often based on wanting to show off their intelligence to others. They do not think of the consequences. They only think of the respect that they will receive for their attempts.

My Respected Brothers & Sisters,
The diseases of ujub and takabbur are amongst the most difficult diseases to cure. Ujub refers to self-pride or when we look at ourselves with pride. Someone with ujub thinks that he is the best and the most perfect. His actions are free from weaknesses and mistakes. At the same time, he looks at others with a superior feeling and attitude. If someone has ujub, he regards himself as superior to the people around him in any occasion. He likes to boast and show that he is better than the rest. He likes to control a discussion and he is not happy if others do not accept his opinions. Someone with takabbur does not accept advice and criticisms from others easily. If he was giving advice to others, this would be done harshly and without hikmah. Therefore, check ourselves. Check that we do not think ourselves as better than others or we would be suffering from takabbur. Do not lie to yourselves. Do not pretend that you do not have takabbur. For if you believe that you are free of takabbur, and you see takabbur in others, then you are the one with the takabbur.

The only cure to takabbur is to see others as being better in the eyes of Allah than ourselves. For example, if we were to look at someone younger than us, we should not be too fast to criticise his actions. Instead, we should think that has never committed sins while my sins are uncountable. Therefore, the boy will automatically become better than us in the eyes of Allah.

When we are faced with someone older, we are reminded of the fact that he had prayed to Allah far longer than ourselves. Therefore, he becomes better than us. When we see an alim or someone who is wise, we are reminded of our lack of knowledge. Allah loves him so much that he was given blessings and knowledge that we are not priviliged to. His position in Allah's Eyes are much higher than us. Why are we not given the same blessings? Why are we blinded from the knowledge that he receives? The only answer is that he is better than us.

When we see someone who is jahil and ignorant, we acknowledge that he is committing sins. But he commits his sins in ignorance. We are aware that something is sinful, and yet, we do it. With our 'Ilm, how are we to answer for our actions in front of Allah? hat if they received Whusnul khatimah or a good death, while we are suul khatimah? These are the questions and reminders that must be in our minds always. These reminders are our protection against the feelings of takabbur and ujub.

My beloved brothers, Rasulullah was asked before by Muaz bin Jabal on the purification of amalans. Muaz bin Jabal was worried and he wished to wash his amalans off the feelings of riak, ujub and takabbur. Thus, Rasulullah reminded him,

"Oh Muaz! Protect your tongue from words which would injure your brothers who read the Qur'an. Carry the burden of your own sins, and do not shift your sins onto them. Do not purify yourself while you are scorning them. Do not be cold towards them. Do not combine the matters of the world in the matters of akhirat. Do not be takabbur in an event, or others will be afraid of you for your evilness. Do not whisper to another when there is someone else with you. And do not think highly of yourself; or it will remove you from the goodness of the world and akhirat."

These are the reminders of Rasulullah s.a.w. May we receive barakah and guidance from it. Wallahu'alam.

Source : Khutbah Sermon from www.muis.gov.sg 

Friday, December 6, 2013

Lembaran Hidup Wanita Solehah

Mampukah aku menjadi seperti Siti Khatijah?
Agung cintanya pada Allah dan Rasulullah
Hartanya diperjuangkan ke jalan fisabilillah
Penawar hati kekasih Allah
Susah dan senang rela bersama...

Dapatkah ku didik jiwa seperti Siti Aishah?
Isteri Rasulullah yang bijak
Pendorong kesusahan dan penderitaan
Tiada sukar untuk dilaksanakan...

Mengalir air mataku
Melihat pegorbanan puteri solehah Siti Fatimah
Akur dalam setiap perintah
Taat dengan abuyanya, yang sentiasa berjuang
Tiada memiliki harta dunia
Layaklah dia sebagai wanita penghulu syurga...

Ketika aku marah
Inginku intip serpihan sabar
Dari catatan hidup Siti Sarah....

Tabah jiwaku
Setabah umi Nabi Ismail
Mengendong bayinya yang masih merah
Mencari air penghilang dahaga
Di terik padang pasir merak
Ditinggalkan suami akur tanpa bantah
Pengharapannya hanya pada Allah
Itulah wanita Siti Hajar....

Mampukah aku menjadi wanita solehah?
Mati dalam keunggulan iman
Bersinar indah, harum tersebar
Bagai wanginya pusara Masyitah....

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Charity in Islam

The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said: "The believer's shade on the Day of Resurrection will be his charity." - Al-Tirmidhi, Hadith 604

The Prophet also said: "Every act of goodness is charity." - Sahih Muslim, Hadith 496

The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said: "Every Muslim has to give in charity." The people then asked: "(But what) if someone has nothing to give, what should he do?" The Prophet replied: "He should work with his hands and benefit himself and also give in charity (from what he earns)." The people further asked: "If he cannot find even that?" He replied: "He should help the needy who appeal for help." Then the people asked: "If he cannot do (even) that?" The Prophet said finally: "Then he should perform good deeds and keep away from evil deeds, and that will be regarded as charitable deeds." - Sahih Al-Bukhari, Volume 2, Hadith 524

A man once said to the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him): "I have plenty of property, a large family, a great deal of money, and I am a gracious host to my guests. Tell me how to conduct my life and how to spend (my money)." The Prophet replied: "Give (regular charity) out of your property, for truly it is a purifier, and be kind to your relatives and acknowledge the rights of the poor, neighbors and (those in need who seek your help)." - Fiqh-us-Sunnah, Volume 3, No 3

The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said: "If I had (a mountain of) gold, I would love that, before three days had passed, not a single (coin) thereof remained with me if I found somebody to accept it (as charity), excluding some amount that I would keep for the payment of my debts." - Sahih Al-Bukhari, Volume 9, Hadith 334

The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) once had several coins that he asked his wife to distribute in charity. But due to the Prophet's illness at the time, she did not have an opportunity to give out the coins. When the Prophet learned of this, he asked for the coins, placed them in his hand, and then said: "What would God's Prophet think if he were to meet God, who is Great and Glorious, while (still) possessing these?" - Al-Tirmidhi, Hadith 586

"Spend (in charity) out of the sustenance that We have bestowed on you before that time when death will come to someone, and he shall say: "O my Lord! If only you would grant me reprieve for a little while, then I would give in charity, and be among the righteous." - The Holy Quran, 63:10

The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said: "Charity is prescribed for each descendant of Adam every day the sun rises." He was then asked: "From what do we give charity every day?" The Prophet answered: "The doors of goodness are many...enjoining good, forbidding evil, removing harm from the road, listening to the deaf, leading the blind, guiding one to the object of his need, hurrying with the strength of one's legs to one in sorrow who is asking for help, and supporting the feeble with the strength of one's arms--all of these are charity prescribed for you." He also said: "Your smile for your brother is charity." - Fiqh-us-Sunnah, Volume 3, No 98

The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said: "Shall I guide you to the best (form of) charity? It is to provide for your daughter when she (returns) to you (because of divorce or other circumstances) and has no one but you to provide for her." - Al-Tirmidhi, Hadith 1296

The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said: "Save yourself from hellfire by giving even half a date-fruit in charity." - Sahih Al-Bukhari, Volume 2, Hadith 498

"They ask you (O Muhammad) what they should spend in charity. Say: 'Whatever you spend with a good heart, give it to parents, relatives, orphans, the helpless, and travellers in need. Whatever good you do, God is aware of it. " - The Holy Quran, 2:215

Source : www.islamawareness.net 

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Ya Rasul Allah, kami amat merinduimu...

Ya Rasul Ya Habib Salamun 'Alaik
Aku duduk sendirian merindu
Pemergian seorang kekasih
Walau lama penantianku ini
Aku yakin pasti bertemu
Aku tahu padanya tiada mungkir
Kerna itu bukanlah sifatnya
Di akhirat kan bersua lagi
Dengan mereka yang merinduinya
Kerna dia telah pun berjanji
Akan memberi syafaatnya nanti
Saat itu pasti kan terjadi
Pada umatnya yang bertakwa
Telah beribu tahun sudah berlalu
Keagungannya pernah berlaku
Sejarahnya akan berulang lagi
Sebelum tibanya kehancuran
Namun yang percaya hanyalah mereka
Yang rindukan kekasih
Namun yang merindu hanyalah mereka
Yang selalu berselawat
Ya Nabi Ya Rasul Salamun 'Alaik
Ya Habib Salamun 'Alaik

Monday, December 2, 2013

Time Heals??

“Time heals?” ada yang benar dan tidak tentang masa berkabung dan libur ini, kerana tidak semua luka itu sama, dan masa bukan penawar terbaik cinta. Banyak kesan perpisahan bergantung pada cara, dan cara itulah yang banyak mempengaruhi emosi diri serta jangka masa.

Berikan masa untuk diri; menyendiri, menikmati sunyi dan menghargai sepi.
Jangan dengar radio atau metallica. Membaca. Berdoa. Bertahajud. Apabila hidup kita terlalu dicoraki ’si dia’, memang sukar untuk kembali sendiri. Tetapi inilah masa untuk berdikari, melihat diri dan pergi membeli-belah atau melancong! Keluar beramai-ramai amat mengubati, tetapi nurani sendiri perlu cekal kerana teman bukan wujud 24 jam 7 hari seminggu. Ada orang putus cinta ‘makan banyak’ mencuba ‘benda gila’, tetapi segala perkara yang memudaratkan diri perlu dihindari. Mendengar nasihat teman amat perlu disaat-saat ini.

Seminggu sudah cukup lama untuk berduka. Sebulan sudah cukup maksimum. Setahun menunjukkan anda sangat lemah jiwa dan pendirian. Bersedih memenatkan jiwa, dan jgn sesekali memenatkan jiwa dengan berduka sentiasa. GET OVER IT!

Hanya orang-orang yang teguh jiwanya mampu menjadi sahabat setelah berpisah. Jika anda merasakan anda seorang yang nostalgik, pendendam dan ‘pembunuh bersiri’, silalah tegas memadamkan si dia dari layar memori, tanpa mengambil masa terlalu lama. Lapan dari sepuluh orang yang kita temui semasa hayat hanyalah diciptakan menjadi kenangan, walau pernah rapat dan intim. Idealisme tentang “satu hari mungkin dia menerima aku kembali” adalah frasa yang amat membahayakan diri, kerana dalam banyak perkara;- harapan adalah perkara paling teruk dan bangsat yang membuatkan manusia sesat destinasi, lambat bertindak, kabur pilihan dan pedoman.

Teruslah menjadi manusia. Belajar memperbaiki diri, belajar ceria dan juga melatih personaliti agar lebih positif dan optimistik. yang utama, mulakan usaha dengan menyayangi diri sendiri dan menghargai segala keistimewaan dlm diri. Percayalah, anda akan perlahan-lahan bertambah yakin dan bersedia akan perhubungan seterusnya. Jika anda ditinggalkan, tu bermakna si dia itu yang tidak layak mendapat kasih-cinta anda. Bukan sebaliknya!